Sabtu 22 Oct 2016 02:08 WIB

Beware of the KNPB Provocation

Red: Agung Vazza
Kelompok Masyarakat Peduli NKRI berunjukrasa menolak keberadaan Organisasi Masyarakat (Ormas) Komite Nasional Papua Barat (KNPB) di halaman Kantor Walikota Sorong, Papua Barat, Selasa (31/5). (Antara/Olha Mulalinda)
Foto: Antara/Olha Mulalinda
Kelompok Masyarakat Peduli NKRI berunjukrasa menolak keberadaan Organisasi Masyarakat (Ormas) Komite Nasional Papua Barat (KNPB) di halaman Kantor Walikota Sorong, Papua Barat, Selasa (31/5). (Antara/Olha Mulalinda)

By: Ananda Rasti *)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, The Free Papua Organization-affiliated civilian organizations ULMWP and Komite Nasional Papua Barat (West Papua National Committee – KNPB) keep maneuvering and provoking the Papuan society, particularly those who live in a remote area such as Pegunungan Tengah, and others. 

Meanwhile, Aliansi Mahasiswa Papua (AMP - The Student Papua Alliance Committee) in Yogyakarta releases a “One Soul” newspaper as a comeback of AMP movement following the UN general assembly in the summit.  The “One Soul” newspaper has been established since 2014, but for the safety reason, the sixth edition has just been released. Through the articles in it, the One Soul is trying to encourage all elements of Papua students in Yogyakarta to go hand in hand and to not overlook the human rights issues carried out towards the Papuans. 

The September’s edition of One Soul brings the theme “The Role of Woman in Struggling the National Freedom of West Papua”. In the meantime, the hot issue being currently talked about amongst the AMP committee in Yogyakarta is a rigorous criticism on the allegation of human rights violation in West Papua during the UN forum of the 71st session in UN general assembly conducted from 13 to 26 September 2016 that was conveyed by a young diplomat Nara Masista Rakhmatia. The government of Indonesia fails to provide clear proof to deny the allegation of human rights violation towards the Papuan. Therefore, AMP would carry on the propaganda action and suppress the news by disseminating “One Soul” and writing news on online media. 

KNPB also inaugurated the management of KNPB in the region of Pegunungan Tengah that include KNPB Baliem Wamena, Jayawijaya regency, KNPB Baliem Barat – Tiom, Lanny Jaya regency, and KNPB Toli – Karubaga, Tolikara regency. The chairman and the subordinates are expected to work harder with high motivation and stick together to build the power before referendum. In addition, through the inauguration KNPB will strengthen the movement starting from the grass root so as all Papuans join to support KNPB.

Furthermore, the England-based Papuan political detainee Benny Wenda doesn’t quit maneuvering. However, since he doesn’t gain much public support over his physical maneuver, he finds another way to do the propaganda online and open letters (letters from readers).  

On one of his letters, Beny Wenda said that the spokesperson of ULMWP, regarding to the speech of Pacific countries supporting the freedom of West Papua in UN General Assembly held on 1 October 2016, extends his gratitude towards the 7 Pacific countries that bring up the issue of West Papua in UN. ULMWP wholeheartedly encourage all Pacific countries to continue the advocacy and support to West Papua, particularly related to Papuan fundamental right of self-determination. 

Building Papua

The activity of KNPB in voicing their aspiration often attracts attention of a number of parties since their action mostly disrupt other people’s rights. 

The author shares an opinion of a religious figure in Papua, Rev. MPA Mauri stating that KNPB refers to a group of certain tribes and a spacious territory, therefore it is supposed to have a legal base. The authorities must figure out whether the KNPB has the base or not as the group must be dismissed if there is no legal document of establishment.

“If there is no legal base, KNPB must be dismissed because of all the rallies they conducted, they mostly lead to anarchy, chaos, and even death,” he said in Jayapura, Monday (10/10). He advised those who join the movement to get to know deeper on the legal regulation in Indonesia. He also called on to the young generation to not to follow the unregistered organization. “if it’s dismissed, the ex-members can join the group of religious people or Barisan Merah Putih (Red and White Troops) and others,“ he revealed. 

Mauri believes that the statement of Papua Police Chief, Inspector General  Pol Paulus Waterpauw is a requirement for any organization to stage a rally. It’s clear stated in the statement that police would never grant a permit for any organization aspiring to free. “I am with the Statement of Police Chief that organization standing against law, whether it is KNPB or any radical movement, will be dismissed,” he said.  

Mauri encourages the people who join KNPB to quit raising the aspiration that is against the law. “I am urging everybody, brothers and sisters, not to get involved to the group. Let’s build Papua together in peach for our children,” he proposed. He also calls on youth to strengthen their belief to get rid of bad temptations.  “We must be close to God by performing prayer,” he said, quoted by local news portal.

According to the author, The Indonesian Science Institute (LIPI) has carried out the most realistic solution of Papua issue by making Papua road map. The Papuans must get involved in determining what they actually need and the government should be serious to look for the best solution. 

Papua requires development, both in the economics aspect and social cultural one. In addition, President Jokowi is expected to form reconciliation team to restore the dignity of Papuans. So far, the government of Indonesia has done its action based on the humanity reason. The spirit of President Jokowi to develop Papua is undeniably high. 

Many Papuans live in peace under the government of Indonesia so they completely understand the disagreement of the state over the intervention of other countries because in fact the government keeps developing Papua. Dear Papua brothers and sisters, beware of the provocations of KNPB and ULMWP.

*) The author is a Tasikmalaya-based observer of Papua issue



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