Ahad 15 Apr 2012 23:01 WIB

New trend: Shelters for Merapi victim for tourism

Rep: Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
A villager watches from Jambon village in the Sleman district of Indonesia's central Java province, as Mount Merapi spews smoke and ash, in November 2010. (photo file)
Foto: Reuters/Sigit Pamungkas
A villager watches from Jambon village in the Sleman district of Indonesia's central Java province, as Mount Merapi spews smoke and ash, in November 2010. (photo file)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SLEMAN - Many shelters for the victims of Merapi eruption in Wukirsari village, Sleman, Yogyakarta, become the cottage for tourists with special interest. "Many tourists come to the shelter and they are interested to stay for a few days," the Chairman of Kaliadem Sejahtera Islamic Cooperative, Sutarno, said on Sunday.

Some of the tourists do many activities in the shelter while some others only want to try staying with the victims. "People come in groups, such as the workshop participants, disaster alert board, students, and other organizations," he said.

The individual guest usually wants to feel and witness the location of the eruption and its recovery process. "The tourists usually stay for one night, but some others stay for a week," he explained.

The guests are allowed to stay in the shelter with small family. "Usually the family with one wife and two children has one room left in the shelter," he said.

The guest should pay 75,000 IDR per day to stay in the shelter. They will also get facilities, such as traditional meal, snack, beverage, and Merapi lava tour.

"About 50,000 IDR is for the shelter's owner and 25,000 IDR is for the organizer. This is expected to boost the economic recovery of Merapi victim," he added.

sumber : Antara
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