Jumat 04 May 2012 18:18 WIB

Greenery in the heart of Jakarta

Rep: Satya Festiani/Ira Sasmita/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
A Forest and playground in Srengseng, West Jakarta.
Foto: Republika/Ira Sasmita
A Forest and playground in Srengseng, West Jakarta.

Finding a forest in Jakarta is like finding a needle in a haystack. Little knows that a corner in Jakarta offers the green view of forest and chirping of birds.

The forest, named Srengseng urban forest, is located in H. Kelik Street, Srengseng, Kembangan, West Jakarta. This 15 hectare area can be an alternative for weekend getaway.

This place was a location for final disposal until 1993 when Jakarta Provincial Government shut the place and turned it into urban forest. Gradually, the location was covered with soil.

Now, the pile of garbages becomes a group of trees forming a canopy that overarching con block path. There are at least 42 productive trees, such as Irian rambutan, cinnamon trees, and mahogany. The visitors will also find 2.5 hectare area of nursery and 11 varieties of orchid.

The artificial lake with little islands also beautifies the place. The artificial little islands are also equipped with some plants so that many birds perch.

Some fish, such as mujair and sapu-sapu (Hypostomus plecostomus), lives in the lake. Those who love fishing can do their hobby here. For those who only want to enjoy the scenery, they can watch the monkeys hanging on the trees.

This place is also equipped with jogging track, flying fox, and wall climbing. Kids can also play in its playground.

Apart from all of those, the visitors should not have to pay much money. The visitors pay 2,000 IDR each or as much as the price of a bottle of sweet tea. Affordable, isn’t it?



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