Selasa 12 Nov 2013 04:08 WIB

Indonesian Mandarin tourism website designed for Chinese tourists

Menparekraf Mari Elka Pangestu berfoto dengan seekor orang utan berkelamin betina bernama Jenifer
Foto: TSI
Menparekraf Mari Elka Pangestu berfoto dengan seekor orang utan berkelamin betina bernama Jenifer

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BEIJING -- The Indonesian Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry launched a Mandarin language website here on Monday in an effort to provide more information about Indonesia and tourism destinations for Chinese tourists.

"This website is specially designed for Chinese tourists, so this is not a mere translation of the existing website from the Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry (Kemenparekraf), but we made a special design to meet the needs of Chinese tourists who will tour Indonesia," Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Mari Pangestu said here on Monday.

The minister noted that, according to research, many Chinese tourists have little information about Indonesia, including its tourism destinations.

"The majority of Chinese tourists only know Bali. Therefore, this website was made in accordance with the needs of tourists from China, not only highlighting Indonesian tourist destinations, but also about Indonesia as a whole," she noted.

The website, found at, is recognition of the growing number of Chinese tourists visiting Indonesia.

In addition, the minister said, Indonesia has offered three destinations outside Bali for Chinese tourists to visit, including Yogyakarta, Lombok and Labuan Bajo.

"In the short-and medium-term, we would offer Yogyakarta, Lombok and Labuah Bajo, which is known for its giant lizards. We are starting to introduce other destinations, other than Bali, to Chinese tourists," she disclosed.

For their promotion, the three locations have already been listed on the tourism ministry`s website - - in the Mandarin language.

Mari said China is one of 16 main markets Indonesia has been targeting. "Five of the markets are Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, China and Japan," she added.

Indonesia and China have agreed to increase tourist visits to reach two million by 2015.

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