Kamis 03 Sep 2015 13:48 WIB

More foreign warships to enliven Sail Tomini

Foto: Republika/ Tahta Aidilla

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- More foreign warships are expected to be among the dozens of Indonesian vessels to participate in the parade of Sail Tomini 2015 in Central Sulawesi.

The Indonesian Navy Headquarters had invited 21 countries to send their warships, and only five had confirmed their participation. However, more countries are expected to follow.

Some 24 warships of the Indonesian Navy will be deployed among the vessels from foreign countries for the international maritime event, including for providing

security to President Joko Widodo, some ministers, and foreign ambassadors attending the main event of Sail Tomini on September 19, 2015.

Deputy Navy Chief of Staff Vice Admiral Widodo stated after attending a ministerial-level coordination meeting at the Coordinating Ministry for Culture and Human Development office in Jakarta on Wednesday that five countries have confirmed the participation of their warships in the sailing pass during the Sail Tomini main event.

The agenda of Sail Tomini encompasses 24 activities such as a sailing pass, yacht rally, maritime research expedition, exhibitions, and scientific seminars.

Widodo remarked that the five countries agreeing to send their warships are Malaysia, with two warships; and China, Australia, Singapore, and South Korea, with one warship respectively.

"The Navy Headquarters had invited 21 countries to send their warships, and only five had confirmed, but it is expected that more countries will follow," he affirmed.

The warships and several yachts participating in the international maritime event will perform a sailing pass at Kayubura Beach in Parigi Moutong District, Central Sulawesi, which will be the highlight of Sail Tomini's main event.

Besides, some 20 countries will send their navy chiefs of staff to attend the Sail Tomini main event.

Further, he confirmed that the Indonesian Navy will deploy 24 warships during the international maritime event to ensure security and support for related social activities.

The Indonesian Navy will also deploy more than one thousand personnel, including some Hercules aircraft, Cassa aircraft, and amphibious tanks.

Activities during the sailing pass will include a parachuting display that will involve military personnel from the Indonesian Air Force, Army, and Navy.

Besides this, the Indonesian Navy will also deploy its warship KRI Doctor Soeharso as a floating hospital to offer free medical services covering a route of 7,880 kilometers in six regions in Sulawesi.

To be called "Operation Surya Bhaskara Jaya", KRI Doctor Soeharso is expected to serve some 10 thousand patients living in coastal areas and remote isles along the route.

The hospital ship left Jakarta on August 28, 2015, for Sulawesi Islands that will include Tolitoli, Marore (North Sulawesi), Gorontalo, Parigi, Togean Islands, Banggai, and Makassar in South Sulawesi.

Coordinating Minister for Culture and Human Development Puan Maharani on August 28 at Tanjung Priok port dispatched the Sail Tomini expedition group, participated in by more than 2 thousand participants, 5,500 Navy personnel and 28 warships.

"The main mission of Sail Tomini is to create a maritime country to promote advanced and powerful independent Indonesia," Minister Maharani remarked.

She noted that the Sail Tomini expedition also has a vision to improve the ability of communities to meet basic needs, to improve access to education, to improve infrastructure, and to make Indonesia as a major maritime country.

Raymond Lesmana, the tour operator of the Back to Down Under Rally said in the Central Sulawesi provincial city of Palu recently that some 21 yachts participating in the "Back to Down Under Rally" were scheduled to enliven the main event of Sail Tomini at Parigi Moutong district.

"The yachts have entered the Indonesian waters in Tarakan and are sailing towards the waters of Central Sulawesi," noted Raymond Lesmana.

According to Lesmana, the yachts have entered the Indonesian waters in Tarakan and are sailing to Berau. He added that they are scheduled to arrive in Tolitoli on August 26.

After arriving in Tolitoli, they will sail to Kwandang, Manado, Gorontalo, and Togean islands to enjoy the underwater panoramic views in Central Sulawesi.

"They are expected to sail past Kayubura beach at Parigi Moutong district where the main event of Sail Tomini will take place on September 19," Lesmana remarked.

He noted that some 28 yachts, participating in the Back to Down Under Rally, will enliven the main event of Sail Tomini, but some of them had left the cruise route in the Indonesian waters as they were discontent with the services offered by the Indonesian government in Tarakan.

In the meantime, Parigi Moutong Deputy District Head Badrun Nggai noted that the construction of the infrastructure and facilities for the main event of Sail Tomini is 90 percent completed.

"The facilities and infrastructure for Sail Tomini main event on September 19, 2015 is 90 percent completed," Nggai said in Palu over the weekend.

Central Sulawesi Governor Longki Djanggola has said Sail Tomini is an international maritime event to promote tourism in Central Sulawesi province, situated in the heart of the island of Sulawesi.

The governor noted that the success of Sail Tomini is expected to increase tourist visits to various attractions in Central Sulawesi and increase foreign exchange earnings for the country.

Therefore, he asked the public to participate in supporting the smooth operations, security and success of the event.

"Let us all together maintain security and order so that this very important event can run smoothly and successfully," the governor remarked.

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