Kamis 17 Sep 2015 09:47 WIB

27 Indonesian warships to join sailing pass during Sail Tomini 2015

Foto: Antara/Basri Marzuki

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PARIGI -- The Indonesian Navy will deploy 27 warships to join a sailing pass to be organized during the peak ceremony of Sail Tomini 2015 at Kayu Bura Beach, Parigi Moutong District, Central Sulawesi Province, on September 19, 2015.

"There is another warship, KRI Banda Aceh, but currently is carrying out a civic mission of giving free medical services to villagers around Tinombo waters," Commander of the Sail Tomini 2015 Task Force First Admiral Ariawan said here, Wednesday.

President Joko Widodo is slated to be present in the peak ceremony of Sail Tomini.

Six foreign warships respectively from Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, South Korea, and China, will also join the sailing pass.

The sailing pass will also be participated in by 100 local traditional sailing boats, 17 fishing boats, and 51 yachts.

sumber : Antara
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