Kamis 03 Dec 2015 18:39 WIB

Within 10 months Indonesia visited by 8 million foreign tourists

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Arief Yahya
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Arief Yahya

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia was visited by 8,017,589 foreign tourists during January to October 2015. It increased by 3.38 percent, compared to the same period last year of 7,755,616 foreign tourists.

Minister of Tourism, Arief Yahya, said the number of foreign tourists who visited Indonesia in October 2015 reached 825,818 people. It increased by 2.11 percent compared to October 2014 of 808,767 foreign tourists.

"The growth of tourist visits in October 2015 was slightly slower than the target of 900 thousand people. However, the visits of foreign tourists in ten months of this year was almost close to the target of 8.1 million people," he said, in Jakarta, Wednesday (2/12).

Read: Free visa raises foreign tourists visits by 10 percent

In January-September 2015, the target of foreign tourists visits was set at 7 million people. The realization of the achievement already reached 7.2 million people or 103 percent.

While the target in October to December 2015 was 3 million foreign tourists (October by 900,000 people, November by 1 million people, and December 1.1 million people), with the realization in October of 28 percent.

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