REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- As many as 21 of the country's leading tourist destinations, which are being offered in the "Lebaran Charm Package 2016," are awaiting the holidaymakers of Eid al-Fitr, better known as Lebaran in Indonesia.
Every year, thousands of holidaymakers during the post-fasting Lebaran holidays usually visit tourist attractions across the country with their family and relatives to relax and unwind.
During the Lebaran holidays, the tourist destinations in the country usually offer special deals for visitors, who want to enjoy the vacation with their near and dear ones.
According to Tourism Minister Arief Yahya, the 21 leading tourist destinations included in the Lebaran Charm Package 2016 are Aceh, Banten, Bintan, Bogor, Cipanas, Cirebon, Celetuh Geo-park, East Java, Jakarta, Jepara, Kudus, Labuhan Bajo, Pekalongan, Solo, Sukabumi, Semarang, Surabaya, Tasik, Tegal, West Sumatra, and Yogyakarta.
Minister Yahya expressed hope that the Lebaran holidays, which coincide with the school holidays this year, will offer an opportunity for the community members to visit these top tourist destinations with their families.
The minister pointed out that the Lebaran holidaymakers in Aceh can visit several must-see destinations, such as the Kilometer Zero Monument, Iboih Beach, and Anoi Itam Beach respectively in Sabang; Tsunami Museum in Banda Aceh; Lampuuk Beach in Aceh Besar; Lake Laut Tawar in Central Aceh; and the complex of Samudera Pasai Kingdom in North Aceh.
The minister suggested that during Lebaran, the holidaymakers in Surabaya, East Java, should visit leading tourist destinations, such as the House of Sampoerna, the Arab Village of Sunan Ampel, the Suramadu Bridge, WR Supratman Museum, and the Monument of Jalesvevsa Jayamahe (In Sea We Glory).