Senin 15 Jan 2018 18:12 WIB

Rafflesia arnoldii blooms perfectly in Bengkulu forest

Rep: Puti Almas / Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Raflesia arnoldi
Raflesia arnoldi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BENGKULU -- The worlds largest flower Rafflesia arnoldii has bloomed perfectly in bushland forest, Bengkulu. The position of the flower was hanging above the host stem and also about two meters above the ground.

"The position of the blossoming Rafflesia arnoldii here is very unique," said member of Guci Oandang Rare Care Puspa Community, Nopriansyah.

The flower habitat has mapped by community members and monitored for protection. Moreover, Rafflesia Arnoldi is mostly located in the rubber garden and coffee that maintain by the people.

"We try to make the habitat of Rafflesia arnoldii here in Kaur, Bengkulu is protected and becomes the conservation area," Nopriansyah added.

The community together with local government and Natural Resources Conservation Center (NKSDA) Bengkulu-Lampung already mapped Rafflesia arnoldi habitat in Kaur. The forest ares around Penangkulan River has known as habitat of Rafflesia arnoldii and Rafflesia bengkuluensis.

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