Jumat 27 Oct 2023 15:35 WIB

Indonesia SOE Minister Praise BUMN for Reforming Environment Policy

Eight of the nine CSR Republika Award winners 2023 are state-owned enterprises.

Rep: Muhammad Nursyamsi/ Red: Lida Puspaningtyas
Co-Founder of BSI Naba Aji Nottro University together with VP of CSR & SMEPP Management PT Pertamina (Persero) Fajriyah Usman, VP & CSR & Community Development PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Dinne Shovia Trensa A, Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Teten Masduki, Istiqlal Mosque Grand Imam Nazaruddin Umar, Minister of state-owned enterprises Erick Thohir, Independent Commissioner of PT Adaro Energy Tbk Indonesia Budi Bowoleksono, CEO of PT Huawei Tech Investment Jacky Chen, President Director of PT Republika Media Mandiri Mira Djarot and Editor-in-Chief of Republika Irfan Junaidi (kirk to the right) take a photo during the event CSR Award 2022 in Jakarta, Tuesday (27/9/2022). Republika held the award of CSR Republika 2022 in the framework of the 27th Anniversary of Republika.co.id, as a form of appreciation of various business worlds for its actions that have a good impact for the wider community. Republika/Putra M. Akbar
Foto: Republika/Putra M. Akbar
Co-Founder of BSI Naba Aji Nottro University together with VP of CSR & SMEPP Management PT Pertamina (Persero) Fajriyah Usman, VP & CSR & Community Development PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Dinne Shovia Trensa A, Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Teten Masduki, Istiqlal Mosque Grand Imam Nazaruddin Umar, Minister of state-owned enterprises Erick Thohir, Independent Commissioner of PT Adaro Energy Tbk Indonesia Budi Bowoleksono, CEO of PT Huawei Tech Investment Jacky Chen, President Director of PT Republika Media Mandiri Mira Djarot and Editor-in-Chief of Republika Irfan Junaidi (kirk to the right) take a photo during the event CSR Award 2022 in Jakarta, Tuesday (27/9/2022). Republika held the award of CSR Republika 2022 in the framework of the 27th Anniversary of Republika.co.id, as a form of appreciation of various business worlds for its actions that have a good impact for the wider community. Republika/Putra M. Akbar

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Environmental sustainability is one of the priorities of Indonesia State-Owned Enterprises or SOE (BUMN). The Chief, Minister Erick Thohir perform major changes in the role of BUMN towards environmental issues.

Erick overhauled BUMN's social and environmental responsibility program (TJSL), which previously targeted various sectors. Throughout this year, the Ministry of SOE has sharpened the program Bakti BUMN or Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) by focusing on three areas, namely education, the environment, and the development of Micro and Small Enterprises (UMK).

Transformations in the field are carried out with the aim of optimizing program impact, governance, technology, increased collaboration, and also increased employee engagement.

“This TJSL program should be able to have a positive impact for society and state-owned enterprises, besides sustainability, it is also important,” Erick said, not long ago.