Selasa 23 Apr 2024 21:37 WIB

Mathlaul Anwar Calls on All Parties to Obey the Constitutional Court Decision

Adi calls on all elements of the nation to remain calm and not be deterred by negativity.

Constitutional Court situation.
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
Constitutional Court situation.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Pengembang Besar Mathla'ul Anwar (PBMA) invites all parties to comply with the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) in the dispute over the results of the General Election of President and Vice President (PHPU Presidente) in 2024.

“We call on all parties to be able to comply with and accept the decision of the Court. Thank God, the result of the Court's decision has declared Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka as President and Vice President of RI 2024-2029,” said PBMA General Chairman, KH Embay Mulya Syarief, in a statement in Jakarta, Tuesday (23/4/2024).

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He called on all parties to maintain security and order after the Court's decision. According to him, it is time to open a new page in the life of the country and the people.

The Chairman of the 1st PBMA, H Adi Abdillah Marta, also invited the public to accept the decision of the Court with a clear chest. According to him, as a believing Indonesian man, he certainly has faith that God's scenario is the best.

“Even in responding to the Court's ruling, there is nothing else but to remain calm and tactfully accepting. The Indonesian nation was born of mutual agreement with the noble ideal of the welfare of all its people, every effort of all of us is of course for the good of the nation and the country,” Adi said.

Adi also called on all elements of the nation to remain calm and not be tempted by negative things because conduciousness is a priority. Mathla'ul Anwar as a force of the Islamic Mass Organization is always ready to synergize with the Government in realizing the welfare of the people and the nation, according to the mandate in the nine principles of the Mathla'ul Anwar Organization point 8, namely Jointly Building Society with the Government.

“Historical facts then record that Mathla'ul Anwar, who was born in 1916, long before the Republic of Indonesia was proclaimed, continues and remains consistent with the people and the people in its struggle of preaching, education and social community, “said Adi.

This is evidenced by more than 7,000 educational units such as Pondok Pesantren, Elementary School, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Junior High School, Madrasah Tsanawiyah, SMA, SMK to Higher Education named UNMA (Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar) spread across the archipelago.

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