Kamis 09 May 2024 21:58 WIB

PKS Legislators Ask Jakarta Provincial Government to Facilitate Minimarket Parking Officer

The phenomenon of illegal parking officer in minimarkets is assessed.

Rep: Bayu Adji P / Red: Erdy Nasrul
Parking officer.
Foto: Republika/Bayu Adji P
Parking officer.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The frequent actions of illegal parking attendants in the courtyard of convenience stores in DKI Jakarta are of concern to many parties. Because, parking levies on convenience store consumers are often considered burdensome.

Secretary of the Faction of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Parliament M Taufik Zoelkifli believes that the still large number of illegal parking attendants in convenience stores indicates that there is an unfinished social problem, namely poverty. As a result, those people look for work in an easy way, which on the other hand creates insecurity.

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“That's a social issue,” he said when confirmed on Thursday (9/5/2024).

According to him, the Provincial Government (Pemprov) of DKI Jakarta can take a middle way to address the social problem. One of them is to facilitate the parking lot in the convenience store so that it does not go wild, instead of making arrangements by conducting operations or raids.