Kamis 20 Jun 2024 04:55 WIB

Beyond Purity: Do Wudu (Ablution) Before Perform These 6 Practices

Wudu or ablution is a medium for purifying small hadas.

A man perform ablution at Masjid Jami Al Makmur, Jalan Raden Saleh, Cikini, Central Jakarta, Thursday (20/3/2024).
Foto: Republika/Thoudy Badai
A man perform ablution at Masjid Jami Al Makmur, Jalan Raden Saleh, Cikini, Central Jakarta, Thursday (20/3/2024).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Wudu or ablution is a medium for purifying small hadas (an accidental cause of impurity) so that you can carry out obligatory practices such as praying five times a day. However, ablution is also highly recommended to be carried out on several occasions.

Sayyid Sabiq in his book Fiqh as-Sunnah explains several practices that should be preceded by ablution. These are some of them.

Baca Juga

1. Dikr of Allah SWT

Based on the hadith from Muhajir bin Qunfudz that he said salam to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) while he was performing ablution and he did not respond to the greeting until he had finished his ablution, only then was the greeting answered. He then said:

إنه لم يمنعني أن أرد عليك إلا أني كرهت أن أذكر الله إلا على الطهارة

"Indeed, there is nothing that prevents me from answering your greetings, except that I don't like to recite Asma Allah except in a pure state." Qatadah said:

فكان الحسن من أجل هذا يكره أن يقرأ أو يذكر الله عز وجل حتى يطهر

"For this reason, Al-Hasan did not like reading or dhikr

remembering Allah until he becomes pure." (HR Ahmad and an-Nasai)

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