Kamis 01 Aug 2024 18:30 WIB

Religious Organizations Must Follow Mining Rules: VP Amin

The government aims to create an equitable economy.

Red: Ani Nursalikah
Vice President of Indonesia Maruf Amin
Foto: setwapres
Vice President of Indonesia Maruf Amin

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG -- Vice President Ma'ruf Amin emphasized the need for religious public organizations to adhere to mining and environmental regulations while operating mines under the government's permit.

"It is important for them to understand that in mining management, there are things that should be preserved, the environment should not be damaged, and regulations should be observed," Amin stated on Thursday.

Baca Juga

He made the remarks in Bandung District, West Java, after attending the inauguration of the Institute of Home Affairs Governance (IPDN) graduates in the nearby Sumedang District.

Amin affirmed that the special mining permit reflected the government's commitment to providing equal opportunities for public organizations to reap advantages from mining operations. He acknowledged that criticism of the operation of mines by religious organizations might appear among the public.