Kamis 19 Sep 2024 13:55 WIB

Fly to Jordan, LazisMu is Ready to Distribute Aid to the Palestinians

Dozens of humanitarian aid containers will be distributed POROZ to the Palestinian people.

Red: Budi Raharjo
At Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Tangerang, Wednesday (18/9/2024), the LAZISMU delegation from POROZ will leave for Amman to distribute aid to Palestinians via the Jordanian border.
Foto: dok ist
At Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Tangerang, Wednesday (18/9/2024), the LAZISMU delegation from POROZ will leave for Amman to distribute aid to Palestinians via the Jordanian border.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Institute of Zakat Infak and Alms of Muhammadiyah (LazisMu) is again sending humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people. This time, the LazisMu team joined the Poroz alliance, which had previously coordinated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) RI.

Chairman of LazisMu Central Governing Body, Ahmad Imam Mujadid Rais, said that the team that left for Palestine consisted of delegations from LazisMu East Java and LazisMu Central Java, among others. In any case, the collection of donations deploys all the resources of LazisMu Central and other regions.

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Mujadid Rais explained that Poroz is an alliance consisting of amil zakat (laz) institutions based on Islamic community organizations (ormas). In addition to Lazismu, it also includes LazisNu, LAZ Persis, Laznas Dewan Da'wah, Baitul Maal Hidayatullah, Wahdah Inspirasi Zakat, and Laznas al-Irsyad al-Islamiyyah.

In the framework of Joint Action For Palestine, POROZ seeks to convey the trust of donors. It also shows the great concern of the Indonesian people for the Palestinians, especially the Gaza Strip, which is still suffering from Israeli genocide to this day.