Senin , 06 Jul 2020, 22:18 WIB
Barito Utara Perpanjang Tanggap Darurat Covid-19
Jumat , 15 May 2020, 23:26 WIB
Barito Utara Berlakukan Tanggap Darurat Pencegahan Covid-19
Ahad , 05 Apr 2020, 12:01 WIB
Ratusan Rumah di Barito Utara Terendam Banjir
Selasa , 04 Feb 2020, 21:38 WIB
115 Calhaj Barito Utara Jalani Pemeriksaan Kesehatan
Jumat , 03 Jan 2020, 08:00 WIB
30 Kasus DBD Serang Warga di Barito Utara
Rabu , 27 Nov 2019, 18:53 WIB
Formasi Dokter di Barito Utara Sepi Peminat
Jumat , 26 Jul 2019, 17:21 WIB
Bandar Udara Muhammad Sidik Ditargetkan Beroperasi pada 2020
Senin , 17 Sep 2018, 11:51 WIB
Barito Utara Diselimuti Kabut Tipis
Rabu , 10 Jan 2018, 11:51 WIB
Desa Barito Utara Disulap Jadi Kampung Pelangi
Senin , 04 Dec 2017, 22:20 WIB
Buaya Sepanjang 3,2 Meter Terjerat Jaring Warga
Selasa , 30 May 2017, 17:31 WIB
Banjir Landa Sejumlah Desa di Barito Utara
Kamis , 08 Dec 2016, 19:11 WIB
Gedung SDN di Barito Utara Hangus Terbakar
Coal sales of Barito Utara declining to only 1.6 million tons
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MUARA TEWEH -- The district of North Barito of Central Kalimantan recorded coal sales at 1.6 million tons in March, or down from the sales in previous months."The total sales were recorded by nine producers holding the mining license (IUP), operating in the district," an official of the district mining and energy service Sarifudin said here on Friday.Sarifudin...
Jumat , 15 Jan 2016, 02:31 WIB
Bandara Baru Barito Utara Ditargetkan Beroperasi Akhir 2016
Jumat , 02 Jan 2015, 10:49 WIB
Barito Utara Berlakukan UMK Rp 2.113.069
Senin , 29 Dec 2014, 20:40 WIB
Ribuan Rumah di Barito Utara Terendam
Selasa , 11 Nov 2014, 04:14 WIB
Atasi Kelangkaan Listrik Barito Utara Usung PLTS
Jumat , 31 Oct 2014, 05:44 WIB
Teras Narang Tinjau Perbatasan di Tengah Hutan, Istri Bupati Sediakan Makanan
Selasa , 10 Jun 2014, 14:00 WIB
Kesadaran Urus Dokumen Kependudukan Rendah
Kamis , 20 Mar 2014, 19:16 WIB
Perusda Barito Utara Diminta Cari Potensi Usaha
Senin , 25 Feb 2013, 22:46 WIB
Banjir Terjang 103 Rumah di Barito Utara
Sabtu , 05 Jan 2013, 17:02 WIB
1.200 Rumah di Barito Utara Terendam Banjir
Sabtu , 15 Dec 2012, 07:41 WIB
Duh, Harga Daging Sapi Capai Rp 120.000/KG
Ahad , 15 Apr 2012, 13:54 WIB
1.256 Siswa Ikuti UN di Barito Utara
Sabtu , 17 Jul 2010, 01:11 WIB