Jair Bolsonaro memenangkan pemilihan presiden Brasil

Brasil Ingin Hemat Anggaran dengan Ubah Aturan Pensiun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, RIO -- Pemerintah baru Presiden Brasil Jair Bolsonaro berniat menghemat satu triliun real Brasil (sekitar Rp 3,80 kuadriliun) selama 10 tahun melalui reformasi pensiun. Hal itu diungkap dalam laporan surat kabar Brasil, Senin (14/1).Para ekonom mengatakan rencana reformasi itu penting bertujuan mencegah defisit fiskal. Bolsonaro, mantan kapten angkatan darat yang menunjuk para jenderal dan ekonom liberal sebagai penasihat...


Brazil dam collapses, killing 15

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, RIO DE JANEIRO -- Fifteen people were killed after a dam in southeastern Brazil collapsed Thursday, said local sources.Victims were buried under the mudslide and fallen rubble following the collapse of the damn, located in the central Mariana district of the state of Minas Gerais, according to on-site rescue workers.As many as 45 people were missing in the...