Kamis , 05 Dec 2013, 15:05 WIB
Indonesia remains on top of investment destination list

Ahad , 04 Aug 2013, 22:56 WIB
Minister: Economic growth in 2013 estimated below 6.0 percent

Selasa , 11 Jun 2013, 21:09 WIB
Economist: Indonesia's economic growth is predicted to 5.9 percent

Rabu , 08 May 2013, 22:39 WIB
Minister: More spending to spur economic growth

Kamis , 02 May 2013, 17:40 WIB
Indonesian transportation shares still attractive to investors

Senin , 15 Apr 2013, 18:52 WIB
World Bank cuts Indonesian growth estimation

Selasa , 12 Mar 2013, 23:10 WIB
Minister: Too many political talks only hamper Indonesian growth

Senin , 22 Oct 2012, 13:38 WIB
Indonesia FDI at record 5.9 billion USD on Q3

Rabu , 17 Oct 2012, 21:36 WIB
President opens Indonesian Trade Expo

Ahad , 14 Oct 2012, 23:03 WIB
Boediono to observe master plan for economic development projects

Kamis , 11 Oct 2012, 16:00 WIB
IMF trims Indonesian growth forecast

Rabu , 26 Sep 2012, 20:37 WIB
Indonesia still has a big room for economy to grow

Indonesia prioritizes six targets in economy
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOGOR - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) announced on Friday to prioritize six economic targets to anticipate economic situation in 2013-2014. The six targets are economic growth, employment opportunities, price stability, poverty alleviation, food and energy security. "These six main targets are our focus and priority for the next two years," SBY said in an economic retreat in Bogor Palace...