Politcal parties are not transparent in reporting their campaign funds, NGOs say. (Illustration)

NGOs: Political parties not transparent in reporting their campaign funds

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Coordinator of the People's Voter Education Network (JPPR), Mochammad Afifuddin said that the initial reports of campaign financial funds of political parties were still half-hearted. He found those reports were not fully transparent. "Political parties are still half-hearted and for formality only," Afifuddin said recently. While earlier, coordinator of Political Division in Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW), Abdullah Dahlan...

Gita Wirjawan is the first minister to resign from the cabinet to pursue his presidential ambition through Democratic Party Convention.

Selasa , 04 Feb 2014, 21:47 WIB

Dahlan Iskan won't step down

Chairman of Golkar Party, Aburizal Bakrie (file photo)

Senin , 03 Feb 2014, 19:30 WIB

Golkar wishes to build coalition with PDIP

Chairman of the Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Said Aqil Siroj (file photo)

Ahad , 02 Feb 2014, 22:33 WIB

NU: Win the election, but no greed

Former head of Constitutional Court, Mahfud MD (file photo)

Selasa , 28 Jan 2014, 23:57 WIB

Mahfud MD reported to the police

Prabowo Subianto

Senin , 27 Jan 2014, 00:01 WIB

Ini Dia Kampanye Hitam untuk Capres Gerindra

Hatta Rajasa

Senin , 20 Jan 2014, 17:21 WIB

Six steps to maintain national economic in 2014

Nasihin Masha

Senin , 20 Jan 2014, 07:56 WIB

Public expectations for Islamic Parties

Indonesian Fisrt Lady, Ani Yudhoyono (photo file)

Jumat , 17 Jan 2014, 17:31 WIB

First Lady talks about general election

Jakarta governor Jokowi (right with red scarf) join the Jakarta Night Religious Festival parade on Monday, Oktober 14, 2013

Ahad , 12 Jan 2014, 21:11 WIB

Sukarelawan Jokowi Bertambah di Jember

 Simpatisan PDIP melakukan aksi longmarch dari Tugu Proklamasi menuju Istana di Jakarta, Rabu (19/6).   (Republika/Tahta Aidilla)

Syarat Koalisi Solid Versi PDIP

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDIP) ingin koalisi kabinet pemerintahan periode mendatang berjalan solid. Sandera menyandera antarpartai politik -- sebagaimana yang terjadi di pemerintahan sekarang -- tidak boleh terulang. Untuk itu PDIP akan lebih berhati-hati menentukan pasangan capres-cawapres. "Cerminnya bagaimana kita tetapkan pasangan calon agar tidak tersandera seperti yang lalu," kata Wakil Sekretaris Jendral DPP PDIP, Hasto Kristianto...

Joko Widodo (Jokowi)

Senin , 06 Jan 2014, 10:38 WIB

PDIP to name presidential nominees in April 2014

Gerindra is the party with the biggest campaign fund for 2014's elections.

Jumat , 03 Jan 2014, 21:22 WIB

Gerindra has the biggest campaign funds

Seorang petugas teller menghitung mata uang rupiah.    (ilustrasi)

Senin , 30 Dec 2013, 21:32 WIB

PDIP Miliki Dana Kampanye Terbesar di Denpasar