Senin , 17 Sep 2012, 17:53 WIB
Massa FPI Pecahkan Pot Balaikota untuk Amunisi

Senin , 17 Sep 2012, 17:38 WIB
Persis Kutuk Seluruh Elemen 'The Innocence of Muslims'

Senin , 17 Sep 2012, 17:04 WIB
Bentrok di Kedubes AS, Korban Polisi Bertambah Tujuh

Senin , 17 Sep 2012, 17:01 WIB
Sinyal Telepon Di Area Kedubes AS Diacak
Senin , 17 Sep 2012, 16:50 WIB
Demo 'Innocence of Muslim', Polisi: FPI Bawa Molotov dan Ketapel
Senin , 17 Sep 2012, 16:45 WIB
FPI Tuduh Polisi Provokasi Massa

Senin , 17 Sep 2012, 16:42 WIB
Demo FPI di Kedubes AS Rusuh, Empat Tertembak
Senin , 17 Sep 2012, 12:27 WIB
Aljazair Protes ke Dubes AS Soal "Innocence of Muslim"

Senin , 17 Sep 2012, 11:56 WIB
SBY: Film Anti-Islam Bikin Repot Dunia

Senin , 17 Sep 2012, 10:32 WIB
Hizbullah Seru Warga Lebanon Demo 'Innocence of Muslim'
Rabu , 12 Sep 2012, 19:02 WIB
Dubes AS Tewas dalam Protes Film Anti-Islam
Rabu , 12 Sep 2012, 12:41 WIB