Potensi Panas Bumi Indonesia

Pemanfaatan Energi Panas Bumi di Indonesia Masih Lambat

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Director PT Toshiba Asia Pacific Indonesia Suluh Tridoyo mengatakan, pemanfaatan energi tenaga panas bumi di Indonesia cukup terlambat dibandingkan Filipina. Sebab, sumber energi di Indonesia sangat banyak yakni mulai dari minyak bumi, batubara, dan air.Suluh menjelaskan, potensi panas bumi Indonesia berada di peringkat ke- 2 di dunia yakni sebesar 27.000 MW. Namun pemanfaatan dan pengembangannya masih...

Indonesia is rich of geothermal potential. (illustration)

Law on geothermal to attract investment in renewable energy sector

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The law on geothermal will attract more investment to the sector of renewable energy in Indonesia, the Indonesian geothermal association (API) said. "Previously we were hampered by regulations. The new law gives us big hope in the geothermal sector," Abadi Poernomo, the API chairman said here on Wednesday. Abadi said among the factors that caused difficulty in developing...