House of Representative ratifies bill to cut terror financing on Tuesday.

Selasa , 12 Feb 2013, 18:27 WIB

House ratifies bill to cut terror financing

Six criminal suspects head to police detention in Malang, East Java. According to Presidium Chairman of Indonesia Police Watch (IPW), Neta S Pane, the number of crime would rise in 2013, triggered by the increasing number of unemployment rate. (illustration)

Senin , 31 Dec 2012, 23:00 WIB

Analyst: Crimes would rise in 2013

Constitutional Court announces that BP Migas is disbanded due to its unconstitutional status. (illustration)

Selasa , 20 Nov 2012, 23:00 WIB

Govt to prioritize domestic oil and gas companies

Although BP Migas is disbanded due to its unconstitutional status, the government guarantees that its contracts are still carried out.

Sabtu , 17 Nov 2012, 23:20 WIB

Minister: BP Migas contracts still underway

Constitutional Court announces that BP Migas is disbanded due to its inconstitutional status. The dismissal causes some project contract between BP Migas and other parties are nullified. (illustration)

Kamis , 15 Nov 2012, 23:20 WIB

Oil contractors seek end of uncertainties

Constitutional Court announces that BP Migas is disbanded due to its inconstitutional status. The dismissal causes some project contract between BP Migas and other parties are nullified. (illustration)

Selasa , 13 Nov 2012, 20:23 WIB

Constitutional Court: BP Migas dismissed

The Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Amir Syamsuddin

Senin , 12 Mar 2012, 20:52 WIB

The Ministry appeals on remission policy