Senin , 28 Oct 2013, 14:44 WIB
Poor Arabs chewed by Indonesia's fish

Sabtu , 05 Oct 2013, 02:48 WIB
Indonesia Ranks Second in Poor Sanitation

Senin , 10 Jun 2013, 20:47 WIB
Selasa , 28 Jun 2016, 16:33 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NEW YORK -- The number of children who do not attend school is rising, child marriage has not dropped in decades and millions of young children will die...
Senin , 06 Jun 2016, 22:46 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SEMARANG -- The Central Java provincial government has set itself the target of lowering poverty rate to 9.93 percent by 2018 in keeping with its 2015-2018 poverty control strategy (SPKD)."Based on statistical data issued in September 2015, the province's poverty rate stood at 13.32 percent or 4.5 million people lived in poverty," chief of the Central Java provincial...
Senin , 06 Jun 2016, 22:16 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BEKASI - Mayor of Bekasi Rahmat Effendi instructed...
Senin , 16 Dec 2013, 01:33 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, HARARE -- Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe vowed Saturday...
Rabu , 06 Nov 2013, 22:00 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SUKABUMI -- Komisi IX DPR RI meminta kepada...
Senin , 28 Oct 2013, 14:44 WIB
Sabtu , 05 Oct 2013, 02:48 WIB
Senin , 10 Jun 2013, 20:47 WIB