Jumat , 08 Nov 2013, 11:06 WIB
Presiden: Pemerintah Segera Evakuasi WNI 'Overstayer'

Jumat , 08 Nov 2013, 06:00 WIB
Pembinaan Ormas Diminta Ditingkatkan

Jumat , 08 Nov 2013, 03:07 WIB
Cukong Kayu Ilegal Mukomuko Ditangkap

Jumat , 08 Nov 2013, 02:13 WIB
Indonesia is committed to working out climate change program

Jumat , 08 Nov 2013, 01:00 WIB
The origin of tyrannosaurs were in North America

Jumat , 08 Nov 2013, 00:14 WIB
Tidak Ada Politik di Festival Tabot

Kamis , 07 Nov 2013, 23:17 WIB
Kemendag Nilai Pasokan Kedelai Cukup
Kamis , 07 Nov 2013, 23:14 WIB
Gubernur Keluhkan APBD Dipotong

Kamis , 07 Nov 2013, 23:14 WIB
Rupiah edges up to Rp11.395 despite negative sentiment

Kamis , 07 Nov 2013, 22:56 WIB
Promosi Budaya Indonesia di Cina Digalakkan

Kamis , 07 Nov 2013, 22:53 WIB
Democracy must be accompanied by obedience to the law, President says

Kamis , 07 Nov 2013, 22:35 WIB
Kepala Dinas Sultra Diberhentikan

'Social media is playing a crucial role in consolidating democracy'
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NUSA DUA -- Delegates attending the Bali Democracy Forum (BDF) VI shared the view that the face of democracy has been transformed by new technological developments such as the Internet and social media. "The instrument of democracy sometimes doesn't keep up with the pace of change in society. The opinions and voice of the people are heard in other...

Kamis , 07 Nov 2013, 21:12 WIB
President Yudhoyono outlines four points necessary for consolidating democracy

Kamis , 07 Nov 2013, 18:22 WIB
Inilah 4 Miliarder Calon Sentimiliarder

Kamis , 07 Nov 2013, 17:10 WIB
Banyak Apartemen Hanya Sasar Segmen Menengah-Atas

Kamis , 07 Nov 2013, 16:15 WIB
Jokowi opens market reconstruction works with 'Bismillahirrahmanirrahim'

Kamis , 07 Nov 2013, 16:09 WIB
CTI renews its confidence despite slower economy

Kamis , 07 Nov 2013, 15:17 WIB
Indonesia finalizes ratification of Tobacco control convention

Kamis , 07 Nov 2013, 14:17 WIB
President Yudhoyono opens Bali Democracy Forum

Kamis , 07 Nov 2013, 13:20 WIB
FAO: Indonesia can be example for hunger alleviation in remote areas

Kamis , 07 Nov 2013, 13:14 WIB
BKPM: Five new sectors opened to foreign investors

Rabu , 06 Nov 2013, 22:53 WIB
BKPM: Lima Sektor Terbuka untuk Asing

Rabu , 06 Nov 2013, 22:18 WIB
Pembak Pessel Serangkan Bantuan Kapal Nelayan

Rabu , 06 Nov 2013, 21:33 WIB
Summarecon to issue bonds worth Rp600 Billions

Rabu , 06 Nov 2013, 18:22 WIB
Pertamina EP Subang increases its production

BI prepares new rule for leveraging of Islamic banking
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia (BI) continues to upgrade Islamic banking industry. There will be a leveraging system as new rule to encourage sharia-based banking unit to take advantages of its parent institution. "Sharia-based banking unit does not need to open office network because it can take advantage of its parent's network," Director Head of Group Research, Development and Regulation...

Rabu , 06 Nov 2013, 02:00 WIB
Pemkab Karawang Tidak Miliki Tempat Pengganti Karangpawitan

Rabu , 06 Nov 2013, 00:08 WIB
Kapan Indonesia Meluncur ke Mars?

Rabu , 06 Nov 2013, 00:03 WIB
RI to renegotiate Saudi amnesty program for Indonesian workers

Selasa , 05 Nov 2013, 23:24 WIB
Bekasi to build four water absorption places

Selasa , 05 Nov 2013, 21:50 WIB
Warga Depok: Pawai Sambut Muharam Bidah Hasanah
Selasa , 05 Nov 2013, 21:41 WIB
Warga Jayapura Jalan Santai Sambut 1 Muharam

Selasa , 05 Nov 2013, 21:03 WIB
Pemkab Karawang Persiapkan Pendaftaran Direksi Perusda Petrogas

Selasa , 05 Nov 2013, 20:46 WIB
Denpasar Sambut Tahun Baru Dengan Khataman Quran

Selasa , 05 Nov 2013, 20:42 WIB