Kamis , 17 Jan 2019, 02:51 WIB
KPU fails to attend Task Force meeting with Bawaslu, KPI

Selasa , 08 Jan 2019, 16:40 WIB
BPN regrets cancellation of presentation on vision, mission

Selasa , 08 Jan 2019, 15:37 WIB
TKN to seek best moment, ways to deliver vision and mission

Rabu , 19 Dec 2018, 05:10 WIB
Jokingly, Wiranto asks Prabowo to bet to prove his statement

Rabu , 19 Dec 2018, 00:36 WIB
TKN KIK says Prabowo tends to bring pessimism

Rabu , 19 Sep 2018, 18:36 WIB
Prabowo camp to embrace ulemas in campaign team

Kamis , 13 Sep 2018, 00:45 WIB
Kwik joins campaign team, SBY to be Prabowo's campaigner

Rabu , 12 Sep 2018, 17:56 WIB
Prabowo, Sandiaga to meet with SBY tonight

Rabu , 05 Sep 2018, 18:00 WIB
Prabowo visits earthquake-devastated Lombok

Kamis , 09 Aug 2018, 02:18 WIB
Opposition camp discusses AHY and Sandiaga as vp candidates

Rabu , 01 Aug 2018, 01:19 WIB
Prabowo asks SBY to be his mentor: Politician

Rabu , 25 Jul 2018, 15:23 WIB
Pair up with AHY? Prabowo says 'why not'

LIPI latest survey: Jokowi is not safe
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) held the latest survey related to 2019 presidential election. The survey result stated that electability of President Joko Widodo is 58.2 percent or outperformed Prabowo Subianto with 26.6 percent. LIPI researcher, Wawan Ichwanuddin said there were various simulations in the survey. For example, with closed questions when 2019 presidential election...

Senin , 16 Jul 2018, 19:53 WIB
SBY and Prabowo will meet on Wednesday afternoon

Selasa , 10 Jul 2018, 15:34 WIB
Gerindra waits Jokowi to determine Prabowo’s running mate

Kamis , 05 Jul 2018, 07:47 WIB
Jusuf Kalla turns down offer to run for presidency

Jumat , 04 May 2018, 16:05 WIB
Jokowi to beat Prabowo: Pollster

Rabu , 25 Apr 2018, 20:00 WIB
Presidential election content prohibited in pilkada campaign

Senin , 23 Apr 2018, 22:16 WIB
Vice Chairman of PAN supports SBY idea on forming third axis

Senin , 23 Apr 2018, 21:27 WIB
Sodik explains Prabowo speech over attempted bribery

Senin , 23 Apr 2018, 18:50 WIB
Fadli sees efforts to raise opinion Prabowo to be king maker

Sabtu , 21 Apr 2018, 00:17 WIB
Rizal Ramli declares himself as presidential candidate

Jumat , 20 Apr 2018, 19:02 WIB
PKS believes Prabowo's electability can compete Jokowi

Jumat , 20 Apr 2018, 06:40 WIB
No ambition to become president: Mahfud MD

Jumat , 20 Apr 2018, 03:50 WIB
Gerindra seeks to meet requirements for presidential bid

About coalition, PAN: Just wait for the right time
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The National Mandate Party (PAN) said it wants to create national coalition with friendship nuance in the run up to the presidential election next year. On the other hand, PAN is not on the rush in deciding its coalition, the party general chairman Zulkifli Hasan."We want quality coalition. Quality, togetherness, concepts and initiatives instead of setting...

Selasa , 03 Apr 2018, 03:50 WIB
Kiai Ma'ruf asks Prabowo to clearly mention elite's names

Kamis , 29 Mar 2018, 18:28 WIB
Prabowo less likely to pair with Gatot: PBB

Kamis , 29 Mar 2018, 16:55 WIB
I'm ready if the people need me: Prabowo

Kamis , 29 Mar 2018, 03:17 WIB
Gatot Nurmantyo reveals his plan after retiring

Kamis , 29 Mar 2018, 01:53 WIB
Habib Rizieq not to run in presidential election: Zulkifli

Ahad , 17 Aug 2014, 18:49 WIB
Prabowo commemorates Indonesia's independence day at a golf course

Ahad , 10 Aug 2014, 13:02 WIB
Yudhoyono to meet the elected president after the Court's decision

Jumat , 01 Aug 2014, 20:47 WIB
Mahfud MD stays with Prabowo's camp

Sabtu , 26 Jul 2014, 01:08 WIB