Director of the Department of Macroprudential Policy of Nugroho Bank Indonesia Joko Prastowo (right) during a discussion on training BI journalists in Samosir, North Sumatra, Sunday (28/4/2024).

Central Bank of Indonesia: Banks Still Have Enough Funding

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SAMOSIR -- Bank Indonesia (BI) ensures industrially, the company still has enough ammunition to channel financing. Moreover, this is encouraged through the strengthening of the macroprudential liquidity policy (KLM) “This is added to KLM incentives so that this leads to the bank having enough ammunition and we are pushing it to sectors where leverage is good and performance is...


SBN Ritel, ESG, dan Masa Depan Pembiayaan Pemerintah

Akselerasi pertumbuhan industri keuangan berkelanjutan di seluruh dunia ditandai dengan meningkatnya partisipasi investor ritel dalam investasi bertema lingkungan, sosial, dan tata kelola (environmental, social, and governance atau ESG) Berdasarkan data Global Sustainable Investment Alliance, kontribusi sustainable funds milik investor individu tercatat 25 persen dari aset industri keuangan berkelanjutan global pada...