An earthquake of magnitude 8.1 struck off the southern coast of Mexico late Thursday, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said.

No Indonesians among victims of massive earthquake in Mexico

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed here, Friday, that no Indonesians were among the victims of the massive earthquake that jolted Mexico, Thursday. "So far, there was no report of any Indonesian victim. The Indonesian Embassy will continue its coordination with the local authority," Director of Indonesian Citizens Protection of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lalu Muhammad...

Gempa bumi (ilustrasi)

Jumat , 08 Sep 2017, 19:10 WIB

Gempa Meksiko Tewaskan 5 Orang

Gempa bumi (ilustrasi)

Jumat , 08 Sep 2017, 18:08 WIB

BMKG: Indonesia tak Terdampak Smong Meksiko

Tsunami (ilustrasi)

Senin , 04 Sep 2017, 09:28 WIB

Jalur Evakuasi Tsunami di Bengkulu Rusak Parah

Tsunami illustrated in the Tsunami Museum, Banda Aceh, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.

Six sub-districts in Lebak prone to tsunami

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LEBAK -- Six sub-districts in Indonesia's Lebak district are prone to tsunami as these are located near where the Asian and Australian shelves meet, the Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) in the district stated. The head of Lebak's BPBD Kaprawi said the six sub-districts are Wanasalam, Malingping, Cihara, Panggarangan, Bayah and Cilograng.An earthquake measuring 6.0 on the Richter...

A mosque is the only building surviving from tsunami on December 26, 2004. The picture is taken on January 4, 2005.

Rabu , 07 Sep 2016, 23:31 WIB

Padang hosts tsunami evacuation simulation

Tanggul penahan rob, ilustrasi

Rabu , 10 Aug 2016, 05:00 WIB

Tanggul Darurat Penahan Ombak Ambrol

Museum tsunami

Sabtu , 09 Jul 2016, 23:47 WIB

Jumlah Pengunjung Museum Tsunami Pecahkan Rekor