
Airlines welcome visa free facility, offering discount

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA -- Airlines began to race offering discount in welcoming the government policy which offers visa free facility for short term visitors to Indonesia from 75 countries.The facility is expected to draw more visitors to the country amid the global economic malaise.Indonesian airlines saw the policy as benefiting air transport business that they are ready to offer significant...

Paspor Haji (ilustrasi)

Tertunda Sepekan, Paspor Itoh Ternyata Terbawa Suami ke Madinah

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,BEKASI -- Akibat kehilangan paspor, salah seorang jamaah Kloter 1 asal Kabupaten Tasikmalaya bernama Itoh Masitoh harus menunda keberangkatannya. Ternyata, paspor tersebut terbawa suaminya sampai Madinah."Yang paspornya hilang sudah ketemu, dibawa suaminya ke Madinah. Akhirnya, si Ibu Itoh ikut kloter 4. Maklum orang tua itu susah ya ingatannya. Tahunya dititipin ke suaminya," jelas Kepala Kemenag Kanwil Jawa Barat, HA...