Republika CSR Awards to Appreciate Conscious Companies

Companies are encouraged to take responsibility for the environment.

Republika/Putra M. Akbar
Trophy for the winners of the CSR Republika Award in Jakarta, Tuesday (27/9/2022).
Rep: Indira Rezkisari Red: Fitriyan Zamzami

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Republika held the Anugerah CSR Awards for the second time this year. The award is an event to give appreciation to companies that are considered to be instrumental in strengthening corporate social responsibility or CSR programs.

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Republika believes that companies should not only think about profiting greatly, but not lose sight of their responsibility to the environment. “Through this award event, Republika believes that for companies that also pay significant attention to their environment, their programs should be appreciated in the form of the CSR Republika Award,” said PT Republika Media Mandiri Director, Nur Hasan Murtiaji, on Thursday (26/10/2023).

Republika hopes that the award, held for the second time, will spur the recipients to further increase their contribution to the company's environment in the form of CSR programs. “This gift is expected to be an encouragement that they are not alone. Many more components of the nation are supportive and certainly together for success,” Hasan said.

In the event of Anugerah CSR Republika, the channel “ESG Now” was also launched. The canal is targeted to be an information hub related to corporate programs and activities in driving environmental, social, and corporate governance issues. “This ESG Now information channel can be followed on the website as a means to share knowledge and experience related to ESG programs,” Hasan said.

According to Hasan, the launch of the ESG Now channel does not stop only in the form of information content on Republika's digital platform. More than that, the ESG Now channel is really just the beginning of campaigns and movements in support of ESG programs. “We understand together that ESG is now an important part of Earth's commitment to preserving the environment, bonding social relationships, and upholding good governance in every way,

” Hasan said.

As part of the movement, Republika has prepared programmes and series of ESG campaigns on an ongoing basis. “Look forward to the next ESG Republika program, and make sure you are all part of the ESG Now movement, part of our commitment to preserving the earth and the environment,” Hasan said.

Anugerah CSR Republika was held on Wednesday night at JS Luwansa Hotel, Jakarta. There are 10 categories that will be distributed to 10 winners. Those categories are environment, decarbonization, social, education, tourism development, sustainable economy, education, SMEs, and infrastructure.

The Anugerah CSR Republika event will be live on Republika Official Youtube Channel starting at 19.00 WIB. Also watch the live impressions on Republika TikTok account.

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