Rabu 28 Apr 2021 14:17 WIB

Kualanamu Airport rapid test allegedly operates used tools

The North Sumatra Regional Police raided an antigen rapid test service outlet

Rep: Antara/ Red: Elba Damhuri
Rapid Test (Ilustrasi): Layanan rapid test antigen di Bandara Kualanamu diduga memakai alat bekas pakai
Foto: AP Photo/John Minchillo
Rapid Test (Ilustrasi): Layanan rapid test antigen di Bandara Kualanamu diduga memakai alat bekas pakai

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEDAN -- The North Sumatra Police raided an antigen rapid test service outlet for early detection of Covid-19 at Kualanamu International Airport, Medan, north Sumatra, Tuesday (April 27).

The police confiscated a number of pieces of antigen rapid test equipment as evidence.

The raids were carried out in connection with an alleged falsification of the antigen rapid test process. From the results of the raid, the police arrested five rapid test officers who were employees of a well-known pharmaceutical company.

The Public Relation of Kualanamu Airport Ovi, which was confirmed on Tuesday night, confirmed the raid and arrest. "The incident is true, we are investigating again. But the official statement is tomorrow," she said briefly.

Five people who were secured, each with the initials RN, AD, AT, EK, and EI. They were arrested because they were suspected of having violated the rules for the rapid antigen test process, by using a used sterile stuck swab tool.

The arrest of the suspect in this criminal case was carried out by members of the North Sumatra Regional Police starting at 15.05 WIB.

Dressed in civilian clothes while pretending to be a potential passenger on the plane, police officers carry out a rapid antigen test.

After registering for the queue, undercover officers were called in and entered the examination room to collect samples from both nostrils. After taking the sample until about 10 minutes later, the results obtained are positive. The undercover officer debates the positive result.

Hundreds of devices used for rapid antigen for sampling used, which have been recycled, were found. According to a statement from a Kimia Farma officer during the interrogation, after being used, the rapid test tool for sampling was washed and cleaned again, then put in a package to be used for the next person's examination.

The evidence secured includes two computers, a printer machine, banknotes, hundreds of used rapid test kits that have been washed and put in packages, and hundreds of unused rapid antigen sampling kits.


Many prospective aircraft passengers at Kualanamu International Airport have complained that their rapid antigen test results were positive for Covid-19 in approximately one week.


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