Kamis 21 Dec 2023 16:44 WIB

Honouring Descendents of the Prophet Muhammad

Honouring the Descendents of the Prophet Muhammad is highly recommended

Rep: Muhyiddin/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Illustration of the Messenger of Allah (SAW). Praising ahlul bait is highly recommended but still should not be overdone
Foto: Republika/Mardiah
Illustration of the Messenger of Allah (SAW). Praising ahlul bait is highly recommended but still should not be overdone

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Ahlul bait is a member of the family of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Muslims are commanded to respect the temple, to glorify them, to know their rights, and not to disturb them with praise or other disturbances.

Dialnsir from Almasrawy on Friday (25/2), a member of Egypt's Darul Ifta Fatwa Institution, Sheikh Muhammad Wissam received a question from someone about the law praising ahlul bait.

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In answering this question, Shaykh Wissam explained with a hadith narrated At Tirmidzi. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

“Love God for the pleasure He gives you, love me on the basis of love for God and love my family on the basis of love for me.

Shaykh Wissam affirmed that when a servant loves ahlul bait, then this love will be love for their grandfather, and singing praises to them is in order to carry out the prophetic commandments. He also quoted the Hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him)


Inyi tarekh fikm sāqalīn ʻAulohma Kitābū Allah, Fīh al-Hadī Valonūrū; Fakhuzwa Bektab-e Allahi, Vastamseqā, Fāhātha ali Kitāb Allah, Tha Qāl: Zakarokam Allaha in Ahl Beatty, Thalatha

“I will assign to you two heavy tasks, the first of which is the Book of Allah, in which there is guidance and light, so practice the Book of Allah and hold fast to it. The Prophet (peace be upon him) stressed to adhere to the Book of Allah and encouraged them to practice it, after which he continued his message: “And my baitsir, I warned you about my healer, I warned you about my healer, I warned you to Allah about my healer, three times.

Shaykh Muhammad Wissam explained that all this was one of the means of bringing the servant closer to Allah.

According to him, loving ahlul temple is also one of the things that increases the love of al-Musthafa (the Prophet) in his heart and the love of his honorable family.

Shaykh Wissam added that the more Allah is remembered and the more praise is given to the Prophet (PBUH) and the more we talk about his family, the righteous and the holy men, the softer the heart will be.

However, in praising ahlul the temple should not be overdone. According to the book Hasan and Husain, the Untold Story by Sayyid Hasan al-Husaini, one day a man came to al-Hasan al-Mutsanna.

For some reason, the man then praised Ahlul Bait excessively. Hearing such flattery, al-Hasan al-Mutsanna was

immediately outraged.

“What the hell are you guys! Love us because of God. If we obey Allah, then love us, but if we disobey Him, then hate us.

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