Jumat 22 Dec 2023 16:42 WIB

When the Gravel is in the Hand of the Prophet Muhammad

A number of pebbles say tasbih while in the hand of the prophet Muhammad.

Rep: Muhyiddin/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
A number of pebbles say tasbih while in the hand of the Messenger of Allah. Illustration of Rasulullah
Foto: Republika/Mardiah
A number of pebbles say tasbih while in the hand of the Messenger of Allah. Illustration of Rasulullah

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — One time a man saw the Prophet sitting alone. He thought the Messenger of Allah was receiving a revelation. Then the man walked up to him and said hello.

The prophet Muhammad answered the greeting of the man. However, the man did not dare to say a word. He was just sitting next to the Messenger of Allah. Not long after, Abu Bakr appeared to be walking quickly.

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After answering Abu Bakr's greeting, the prophet Muhammad told him to sit next to the man. Then Umar ibn Khattab also came and the Messenger of Allah told him to sit by Abu Bakr's side. Next, Uthman ibn Affan came and the Messenger of Allah told him to sit beside Umar ibn Khattab.

In the book titled “115 Amazing Stories in the Life of the Messenger of Allah”, Fuad Abdurahman explained that the Prophet then uttered some sentences that the man did not understand. She only heard him say, “Little is left.“

Then the prophet Muhammad took a few grains of gravel. And it was miraculous, said Fuad, that the pebble was glorified in the hands of the Messenger of Allah until all who were present heard it clearly. Then the Messenger of Allah gave the pebbles to his companions.

The Messenger of Allah gave the pebble to Abu Bakr, and again it was glorified in his hand. So it was when the pebble was given to Umar. Finally, the pebble was glorified when it was in the hands of Uthman ibn Affan. The story is as stated by Abu Dzar Al-Ghifari RA:


عن أبي ذر الغفاري قال: إني لشاهد عند النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في حلقة وفي يده حصى فسبحن في يده، وفينا أبو بكر وعمر وعثمان وعلي، فسمع تسبيحهن من في الحلقة، ثم دفعهن النبي إلى أبي بكر فسبحن مع أبي بكر ، سمع تسبيحهن من في الحلقة، ثم دفعهن إلى النبي فسبحن في يده، ثم دفعهن النبي إلى عمر فسبحن في يده، وسمع تسبيحهن من في الحلقة، ثم دفعهن النبي إلى عثمان بن عفان فسبحن في يده، ثم دفعهن إلينا فلم يسبحن مع أحد منا

Anas Ra also said that once the Messenger of Allah took some pebbles and they were all glorified in his hands until the companions heard his praise. Regarding that event, Ibn Mas'ud RA said:

“We were eating with the Messenger of Allah and heard the sound of the chanting of the pebbles.“

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