Selasa 09 Jan 2024 20:42 WIB

Ustaz Abdul Somad Emphasizes Importance of Ethic Before Knowledge

Extraordinary ethic will remind us, continue to be remembered.

Rep: Shelbi Asrianti/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
As Muslims, demanding knowledge is a must. But there is something more important than knowledge, which is to have manners and morals.
Foto: Republika/Thoudy Badai
As Muslims, demanding knowledge is a must. But there is something more important than knowledge, which is to have manners and morals.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- As Muslims, demanding knowledge is a must. However, there is something more important than knowledge, which is to have manners and morals. It was submitted by Ustaz Abdul Somad through Youtube channel “Ustadz Abdul Somad Official”.

The preacher who taught at Sultan Syarif Kasim State Islamic University (UIN Suska) in Riau in 2009-2019 emphasized the importance of Ethic before science. In fact, Allah praised the Prophet Muhammad not for his knowledge and not for his worship.

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Ustaz Abdul Somad explained that Allah directly praised the Messenger of Allah (SAW) for having a noble disposition. The 46-year-old born in Silo Lama, Asahan, North Sumatra, highlighted the closeness of definition between morality and civility, both of which are important.

“Morality means behavior, the actions of human deeds done, good or bad. Manners, manners, the virtues of language, that's morality. While it is customary, it is not just a smile, a greeting, a greeting, but much more than that, to help the needs of others,” Ustaz Abdul Somad said.

He said that the Prophet (PBUH) was civilized to all people, from children to adults. A 10-year-old boy named Anas bin Malik said the Prophet had never snapped at him once.

“How noble is the nature of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). That's why they called him al amen, not got the title smart even though he was smart, and didn't get the title handsome even though he was handsome. There are more than that,” Ustaz Abdul Somad said.

The title of Al Amin is a sign that the nature of the Messenger of Allah can serve as an example for the whole nation. The Prophet Muhammad also exemplified his companions to be civilized and of good manners. Therefore, the morals and manners of the companions of the Prophet were excellent and always observed.

Ustaz Abdul Somad said that many of us must often meet a clever or intelligent figure but are not at all impressed because his words are rude. On the contrary, due to good manners, manners, kindness, courtesy of language, and a sincere smile, it can make a person very memorable.

“Wonderful manners will remind us, continue to be remembered. It is morality that can make walking together even if it differs in some issues. Meeting people of morality, it will be captive to our hearts,” said Ustaz Abdul Somad, who said morality is the culmination of faith and worship.

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