Rabu 07 Feb 2024 18:45 WIB

Five Villages in Demak Indonesia Flooded, Thousands of Homes Affected

A number of flood-affected residents in Demak are reportedly temporarily displaced.

Rep: Antara/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Foto: Antara/Aji Styawan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DEMAK — Floods reportedly hit five villages in a number of subdistricts of Demak Regency, Central Java. Flooding was triggered, among other things, by the presence of a broken river embankment.

Based on information from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Demak Regency, the floods hit Sidorejo and Rejosari villages in Karangawen District; Pilangwetan and Kebonagung villages in Kebonagung District; as well as Kalianyar Village in Wonosalam District. Meanwhile, it is estimated that 4,000 homes have been affected by flooding.

Baca Juga

In addition to settlements, the flooding that occurred since Monday (5/2/2024) that night was also reported to have affected an agricultural area of about 275 hectares, six school buildings, one mosque, and a ward office.

Task Manager (Plt) Head of BPBD of Demak Regency M Agus Nugroho Luhur Pambudi reviewed directly the flood-affected site in Pilangwetan village, Tuesday (6/2/2024). According to him, thousands of people have been affected by flooding. A number of residents are rumoured to be temporarily displaced.

These displaced residents, among others in Sidorejo Village. In which there were about 62 inhabitants displaced to the local mosque and 54 souls displaced to UPTD offices. “We have coordinated with each group, in order to coordinate with each village that knows better the conditions on the ground, to prepare refugee places and logistical needs,” Agus said.

Agus ensures the fulfillment of the logistical needs of flood-affected residents. According to him, officers from various agencies, volunteer teams, as well as a number of community elements have also come down to provide assistance.

“When floods begin to occur at night, they have also been sent to flood-affected locations, so that can help alleviate the burden on the community, as well as minimize the potential risks that occur,” Agus said.

Flood triggers

According to Agus, the flooding that occurred in the Demak Regency area was triggered by river water runoff following the “shipment” of water from the upstream region. “If the rain that occurs in Demak Regency only, of course it will not result in flooding,” he said.

In addition, there is a small river embankment. This small river embankment is, among others, in the area of Mangun Village, Rejosari Village, Karangawen District. It is also in the Cabean River stream of Dukuh Ngemplik area, Sidorejo Village, as well as in Tuntang River stream of Pilangwetan Village,Kebonagung District.

Agus said that the repair of this damaged river levee will be coordinated with the Great Hall of the River Region (BBWS).

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