Selasa 30 Apr 2024 22:30 WIB

Customs Services Promise to Improve Import Handling

The process of importing consignments does not involve only one party.

General Director of Customs Askolani.
Foto: Republiika/Iit Septyaningsih
General Director of Customs Askolani.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC), Ministry of Finance stated that it will evaluate and improve the import process of consignment goods in the future.

“We continue to strengthen improvements going forward,” said Director General of Customs and Excise Askolani at DHL Express Distribution Center, Tangerang, Banten, Monday (29/4/2024).

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He said that the process of importing consignments does not only involve one party, but also involves other parties such as titipan service companies (PJT) and business operators. Therefore, DJBC will educate the parties involved as well as strengthen communication.

DJBC has also actively provided socialization and education to the community regarding the procedure for importing consignments.

Despite this, DJBC is also aware that the efforts that have been made still do not reach the community massively, causing the problems experienced by importers.

Therefore, DJBC will increase efforts in carrying out education to the public regarding customs procedures.

Askolani ensures all components of customs work together simultaneously. His statement dismissed accusations of new Customs handling the issue when the issue had gone viral.

“There is nothing (that allegation). All of us roads,” he said.

DJBC is also grateful for the attention that has been given by the public regarding the improvement of the import procedure of consignments. Customs will openly accept constructive criticism and advice from the public in an effort to continue to make improvements and refinements in providing services to service users.

Earlier, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati asked Customs to continue to improve services and proactively educate the public on the policies of various ministries/agencies (K/L) to be implemented by Customs as mandated by the Act (Act), namely as border protection, revenue collector, trade facilitator, and industrial assistance.

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