Kamis 02 May 2024 22:30 WIB

Ministry of Agriculture Calls on ICMI to Identify Agricultural Problems

Improving food products is just as important as reducing food loss and food waste.

Red: Erdy Nasrul
Farmers transport rice with tarpaulins during harvest in flooded paddy fields in Karangrowo village, Undaan, Kudus, Central Java.
Foto: ANTARA FOTO/Yusuf Nugroho
Farmers transport rice with tarpaulins during harvest in flooded paddy fields in Karangrowo village, Undaan, Kudus, Central Java.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) invited Indonesian Muslim Scholars Association (ICMI) to synergize in tackling agricultural issues to realize Indonesia's food security amid geopolitical turmoil global and climate change impacts the El Nino phenomenon.

“The Ministry of Agriculture needs support from various parties including from ICMI, it is very important as an organization of Muslim scholars in Indonesia, ICMI has the ability and strategic role in formulating smart ideas for managing agricultural resources,” said Acting Secretary General of the Ministry Prihasto Setyanto during ICMI's Halal Bihalal activities with the Ministry's staff monitored online in Jakarta, Wednesday (1/5/2024).

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Prihasto said that the current global food situation is not encouraging. The challenges faced in food supply are increasingly complex due to the impact of the El Nino phenomenon and the geopolitical turmoil especially the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the middle east.

“This impacts the supply of fertilizer raw materials and leads to decreased production and disruption of food distribution. The various conflicts that have occurred have the effect of continuing to increase the price of food commodities, which has resulted in high inflation and the world food crisis,” Prihasto said.

He said that there are still countries that are under serious threat of hunger and Indonesia could also be threatened with a food crisis if it is not vigilant. For Prihasto, this condition serves as a warning for national food security, which is vital for the country's security.

Prihasto further said that the ranks of the Ministry of Agriculture have plunged directly into the field to optimize the existing growing season with sufficient rainfall so that the expansion of the rice planting area in April and May can suffice the needs in August to October 2024.

He said if we see 2023 rice production declining as well as rice imports rising then it is important to act quickly. The decline in the extent of rice cultivation is a serious concern for the Ministry of Agriculture.

The Ministry of Agriculture identified several causes that are not optimal national rice production, including due to the reduced volume of subsidized fertilizers, lack of access of farmers to subsidized fertilizers, reduced use of superior seeds and the effects of climate change such as El Nino.

According to Prihasto, ICMI figures on the national stage are known to many who have the care and ability to actively participate in agricultural development in Indonesia.

Therefore, he hopes that the silaturahim and collaboration will enhance the synergy between the Ministry of Agriculture and ICMI to achieve food sovereignty and the well-being of Indonesian farmers.

“With continued collaboration and synergies, I believe we can restore Indonesia's agricultural glory as a sovereign and food self-sufficient country. Together we face the challenge of rising prices and availability of staple foods,” Prihasto said.

ICMI Chairman Arif Satria said his party is ready to collaborate with the Ministry of Agriculture to realize Indonesia's food security, especially amid climate change and the impact of the El Nino phenomenon.

“With regard to climate change, a very big challenge for us is that it is time for all components of the nation to come together and collaborate because food is the life of a nation, and we are also required to be able to creatively provide this food,” said Arif, who is also Rector of the Bogor Agricultural Institute.

He mentioned that two things in addressing food availability are firstly increasing production by using technology and secondly reducing food loss and food waste.

He also claimed that it had created a superior seedling variety of IPB 9G rice which is amphibious in nature, where the variety can be grown in wet as well as dry land.

“Then it can save 20 percent fertilizer. This means that it could save Rp10 trillion in fertilizer subsidies if this variety is applied throughout Indonesia. This is a form of our attitude in an innovative form that starts with the work of new works, our production must also have a mentality with innovation,” Arif said.

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