Senin 16 Sep 2024 02:06 WIB
Maulid Nabi Muhammad

Maulid Nabi, Menag Asks People for the Prophet Muhammad's Example of Unity in Diversity

The Prophet Muhammad reminds many people of the best human beings.

Rep: Muhyiddin/ Red: Budi Raharjo
Illustration of Prophet Muhammad SAW
Foto: MGROL100
Illustration of Prophet Muhammad SAW

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- In the momentum of the commemoration of Maulid Nabi 1446 AH, Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas called on Muslims to address the Prophet Muhammad's message of unity in diversity. According to him, Maulid Nabi not only commemorates the birth of the Prophet (peace be upon him) but also lives the sublime teachings that were delivered.

This Menag, commonly called Gus Men, explains that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) was a perfect example in many aspects of life, whether as a servant of God, the leader of the people, and as a statesman who built the Madinah society on the principles of justice, tolerance, and compassion.

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“The commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad carries a deep meaning for Indonesia. The figure of the Prophet reminds us of the importance of unity and unity in the midst of diversity,” Gus Men said in his remarks in Jakarta, Sunday (15/9/2024).

The Prophet taught that differences are not an obstacle to coexistence, but rather wealth that must be guarded and respected. In Medina, Gus Men continued, the Messenger of Allah built a harmonious society amid the diversity of tribes and religions.

“It should be, we continue to strive to make Indonesia a harmonious, peaceful and equitable nation. As a diverse nation, we must continue to practice religious moderation in order to create a harmonious and mutually respectful life. This is the key to lasting togetherness and peace,” Gus Men said.

Through the warning of the Prophet Muhammad, Gus Men hopes that Muslims can continue to increase their love for the Prophet and apply his teachings in every step of life.

“Let us make the commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad a momentum to strengthen our commitment to upholding the morality of the Messenger of Allah, both in our relationship with God, the relationship between human beings, and in safeguarding the nation and the state,” Gus Men said.

Previously, The Regent of Manokwari, West Papua, Hermus Indou stated that Prophet Muhammad SAW was the perfect figure who could serve as an example for unifying the composite society.

“I invite Muslims to continue to increase and deepen their love for the Prophet who has perfected the teachings of Islam,” Hermus said while addressing the Tabligh Akbar Maulid of Prophet Muhammad 1446 H/2024 at Al Falah Manokwari Mosque on Sunday.

He said that with the love and compassion of the Prophet Muhammad was able to build a Muslim civilization that could live in harmony with other faiths.

In addition, also through the teachings of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad also taught not to distinguish a person by tribe, skin color, race, region and so on.

The Prophet Muhammad is also a perfect example of a leader so the sincerity of the Messenger of Allah should be a handle in building a just, peaceful and prosperous society.

“We should model the Prophet Muhammad especially to create a feeling of mutual respect, help and respect between us in Manokwari as a compound area,” he said.

He added that the celebration of the Prophet Muhammad's maulid is the right momentum to celebrate and deepen the love for the Messenger of Allah in every aspect of the life of individuals, families and communities.

“Let the spirit of helping and loving kindness taught by the Prophet be our passion to tackle social problems in Manokwari district,” he said.

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