Selasa 29 Oct 2024 17:23 WIB

Minister of State Secretary Ensure Prabowo Attends APEC Forum in Peru to G20 in Brazil

Gibran leads government when President Prabowo travels abroad.

Rep: Antara/ Red: Budi Raharjo
The 8th Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto gives direction to the Red and White Cabinet.
Foto: Tim Media Prabowo
The 8th Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto gives direction to the Red and White Cabinet.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Minister of State Secretary (Menseneg), Prasetyo Hadi, said that President Prabowo Subianto will attend the APEC summit forum in Peru to the G20 in Brazil in November 2024.

“There may be invitations, there is G20, there is APEC, as head of state yes he must attend,” Mensesneg said at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta on Tuesday (29/10/2024).

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Prasetyo said Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka will lead the government when President Prabowo Subianto visits the country. “Yes definitely (the government is held by the Vice President), but the rules must be so,” he said.

According to Prasetyo, according to the stipulations, there will be an assignment letter from Prabowo to Gibran. Prabowo is rumoured to be on a trip abroad starting next week.

Since Monday (28/10/2024) or after the Red and White Cabinet retreat at the Military Academy (Akmil), Magelang City, Central Java, President Prabowo has continued to conduct coordination meetings with cabinet members at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta.

Prabowo appeared to summon a number of ministers, deputy ministers, to agency heads to discuss government programs.

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