Senin 18 Nov 2024 15:01 WIB
Milad ke-112 Muhammadiyah

Anniversary Muhammadiyah, This is Haedar Nashir's Message to the Whole Cadre

Muhammadiyah considers that ideal leadership should be non-denominational.

Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah Prof. Haedar Nashir delivered the 112th Milad Speech of Muhammadiyah on Monday (18/11/2024). The theme of Milad and Tanwir Muhammadiyah this year is Bringing Prosperity to All.
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Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah Prof. Haedar Nashir delivered the 112th Milad Speech of Muhammadiyah on Monday (18/11/2024). The theme of Milad and Tanwir Muhammadiyah this year is Bringing Prosperity to All.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Center (PP) Leadership Prof. Haedar Nashir said that the 112th millennium was a momentum for reflection. This was done in the framework of evaluation (muhasabah) and projection (maudhu'ah) of the entire program and the movements carried out by the Muhammadiyah so far.

This Islamic movement, according to Haedar Nashir, is tireless in its efforts to modernize the life of the people, the nation, and the world of universal humanity. Through the lines of education, health, social, economic, and all its business practices during this time, Muhammadiyah proved its orientation towards the goal of modernizing the Indonesian nation and state.

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This is the case with all the efforts made by 'Aisyiyah as well as all components in the Syariqatan environment. Everything moves to realize the prosperity of the life of the people, nations, and humanity of the universe oriented to lil'alamin respect.

“Prosperity is in the dimension of well-being and progress that is whole and complete, that is, born and inner, material and spiritual, as well as worldly and ukhrawi,” Haedar Nashir said in his 112th anniversary address of Muhammadiyah on Monday (18/11/2024).

In order for continuity to be maintained, the role of leader is essential in the commonwealth environment. Haedar reminds that ideal leadership must always be present throughout the body of Muhammadiyah, from the central, regional, branch and branch level to cadre per cadre.

This has also been described as KH Ahmad Dahlan as the founder of Muhammadiyah. According to the figure nicknamed the enlightener, the Muhammadiyah leader was charged with being the leader of Islamic progress.

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