Senin 27 Apr 2015 15:34 WIB

Sudan army repels rebel attack in Darfur

Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KHARTOUM -- The Sudanese army announced on Sunday that it repelled an attack on South Darfur State by armed groups supported by South Sudan.

"The Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces ambushed the terrorist forces and dragged them to the battle field where on Sunday rapid support forces engaged them at Al-Nakhara area, south of the Tulus locality, and inflicted heavy damages to them in both lives and equipment," said Al-Sawarmy Khalid Saad, Sudanese army spokesman in a statement a copy of which was obtained by Xinhua.

He said the Sudanese army seized over 100 vehicles once the rebels fled, leaving behind a large number of their colleagues dead on the battle field.

Meanwhile, the army accused South Sudan of harboring and training rebel groups, saying "Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) rebels have been trained for months by foreign experts at the Raja area in South Sudan's Bahral-Ghazal State with the aim of sabotaging Sudan."