Sabtu 28 Jan 2012 21:57 WIB

Indonesia, the next center of Islamic civilization

Rep: Gita Amanda/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Yusuf Mansur
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Yusuf Mansur

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Islamic civilization in Indonesia is flourishing in spite of many challenges ahead, a leading Islamic figure, Yusuf Mansur, believes. He mentioned, booming in Islamic media in Indonesia was a manifestation of the growing seeds of Islamic civilization.       

“We can find media that base on Islamic values and I think it’s a good sign that this nation is in the process of building Islamic civilization,” Mansur said to Republika on Saturday, in national seminar on Islamic civilization held by Hidayatullah magazine.

Mansur reminded the importance of sholat (prayer –ed) as the very basic of Islamic civilization. Prayer, he said, was a fundamental pillar to interact with God. When Muslims connect and interact with their Creator, they have fundamental strength to build the civilization.

There are many Muslims today fall into the trap of materialism, whereas they must believe in the existence of God. Once they believe, Muslim will be more optimistic in life. Mansur believes, the positive attitude of Muslims will lay the basis of building Islamic civilization in Indonesia.

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