Rabu 02 Oct 2013 18:31 WIB

A famed designer finds walking during Hajj a great pleasure

Rep: rosita budi suryaningsih/ Red: Ajeng Ritzki Pitakasari
Ida Royani
Foto: Republika/Yogi Ardhi Cahyadi
Ida Royani

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA-- As a famous actress and fashion designer, with Islamic clothing as her specialization, Ida Royani is encircled by many high profile and prominent persons. She is well known for her role as partner of the Betawi legendary artist and actor, Benyamin Sueb ( 1939-1995) in Indonesia's 1970-s movies

Now she has the wife of Saudi Arabia Ambassador for Indonesia as one of her important costumers. "We are more than acquaintance" Ida said at an interview last week. She enjoys privilege from the friendship. Every time she has plan to go to Saudi, she obtains visa with ease.

She admitted that she did not have to queue for years to perform Hajj. "Allhamdulillah I have performed Hajj five times and Umrah for several times."

Nonetheless, she was certain that such visa privilege would not bother her focus on worshiping Allah swt in Mecca. Ida considered performing Hajj mandatory ritual for those who have physical, financial and circumstantial ability.

She viewed Hajj-- as one of five pillars of Islam--has the same value and position in comparison to other four primary obligations ( syahadat,shalat, zakat, shaum) that each Muslim must fulfill in his or her lifetime.

"To those who are able but hesitate to perform Hajj, they will die as ignorant as their religion is not complete," she added.

Some Ulama indeed said that those who have the ability to go for Hajj but delay it for no specific reason, are concurring a major sin. Umar bin Al-Khattab one day during his Caliphate sent envoys to the towns to check on all those who have the means to make Hajj but do not perform it, in order to demand them to pay Jizyah. Umar even said, "The are not Muslims, they are not Muslims”.

Ida Royani emphasized, however, this call applied only for Muslim with ability. Meanwhile, those who were hindered with financial ability, at least had to have hope, prayed and worked to save their money for the future Hajj.

What she loved most during performing Hajj was having opportunities to go everywhere by foot. "I always walked, I did this with great intention to seek Allah's Approval, so I could get more reward and blessing."

Although vehicles were provided by Hajj or Umrah committee, she prefered walking to the mosque. "If I am in a good shape and I think I am well enough to walk, then I'll walk since every one step will be counted as one deed of righteousness."

Devotion, willingness and heart filled with pleasure of worshiping Allah were her keys. She said she experienced no tiresome feeling or burden in her pilgrimage.

In Saudi, Ida usually stayed in a rented house special reserved for her. However she did not want to miss togetherness with other pilgrims. Sometimes she chose to sleep in her friends rooms just to chat and do activity together.

Another important thing she always remembered till now. During her pilgrimage, She witnessed many times how people receieved reprisal as the reflection of what they have done in their life. If someone had once said bad things to another, she or he would experience the same thing during the pilgrimage If someone had once harmed others, he would payback as well in his Hajj.

"This is truly a good reminding for us, to be very cautious every time we speak or treat another person. Make sure we only do the good things, not the bad ones for we will get direct recompense during Hajj."

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