Ahad 10 Nov 2013 18:38 WIB

This is the fortress of metropolitan harshness

Rep: C72/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Perjalanan sufi (ilustrasi)
Foto: Blogspot.com
Perjalanan sufi (ilustrasi)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Spirituality played an important role as a fortress for the Muslims in the harshness of life in the metropolis cities. Living in metropolitan cities has huge challenges and temptations.

Beside, hedonistic life began to spread not only on the upper classes of society even to the lower. Having a strong spirituality shield could defense us from hedonistic offences.

A lecturer of Islamic Institute of Nahdlatul Ulama (STAINU) Ustaz Ahmad Sudrajat said, one should spend the time for zikr as much as possible. It has been exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad [PBUH].

Remembrance (zikr) is a way for Muslims to be able to shield themselves from lust. The nature of hedonism is part of the lust possessed by demon spirit.

"The reasonable people meant he was able to restrain the bad passions." he said. 

'Alkais', thus the term in the Prophet's [PBUH] sayings which means people who have sense of being able to restrict them from lust.

Curbing the passions also becomes part of the way to have that spiritual faith which could be adopted as a fortress. Curbing bad passions can be done in many ways, including, moderation in eating, drinking or dressing.

Sudrajat explained, the way to sharpen and keep the spiritual role as a fortress is to, first, always remember the moment of death and the afterlife.

Lust will be emasculated from immoral practices, stealing, or corruption. The stacked properties in the world could not help if it's not distributed as perpetual charity. 

"Charity and good behavior will be a salvation in the afterlife," he said. And always be thankful to avoid being untouched for blessing.

Second, they always took their time for remembrance. Remembrance is not just always say words of praise to Allah SWT. It's also to give thanks, working in accordance with Sharia without using unlawful means.

They also must be able to take the time to study (ngaji). Because the study is a reminder of for them when bad thought crossed their minds on their daily working days. Thus he is protected to pursue their life in halal way. It's as exemplified the Prophet [PBUH] and his Companions [RA] who taught simplicity in life.

Prophet has four good deeds that can be emulated by his people as their fortress.

In their daily works they should have honesty, trustworthy, conveys the truth, and be intelligent.

Sudrajat admitted, even though people already know the ideal concept of dealing with the harshness of the metropolitan life, it was not uncommon the fortress sometimes collapsed due to their personality conception. This category is on the phase of searching for identities. They need necessary process to go towards high spiritual level.

According to him, on lower level, it does not matter if they still make mistakes. However they should be quickly identify the errors and fix it.

The most effective solution is learning the teaching of religion.

"Be consistent on five times prayers every day," he said. Strengthen it by Sufism methods with a broad scope, so that morality can be maintained.

Meanwhile, Deputy Secretary General of Indonesia Council of Ulema (MUI) Tengku Zulkarnain MUI emphasized the importance of the spiritual life for Muslims as a fortress in the big cities.

Every person who works hard should be accompanied with prayer obedience then the result should be tawakkal (trust).

Zulkarnaen reminded, people thought working and praying were enough for success. In fact, the mindset is not entirely true. The impact of work, which only has a goal to pursue successful life; in case they were unsuccessful they will be depressed or even got mad.

"As a Muslim the tawakkal is the goal," Zulkarnaen said.

If they achieved a success, he said, then, it is the added value of their hard work and prayer. Just look at the concept of entrepreneurship of Prophet [PBUH]; efforts with prayers, enhanced with surrender or trusts.

Likewise the Companions [RA] were not thirsty for power. When they were mandated by a particular leadership positions and grieved when they received it because the trust that is heavy in nature. They would be happy if the mandate of the office was not burdened too to their beloved friends.

This condition, he criticized, is contrary to the phenomena of society nowadays. Many figures are not satisfied with what they in charge for. Having served as deputy regent they have an ambition to occupy regent position, having reached it they want more to be a governor, after that, they are unsatisfied and try to be a member of House of Representatives.

Similar case to television program today which broadcasting hedonism, not only for children, but also for adults' viewer.

The results are not only the rich but also the poor people who want to live hedonistic.

Instead of realizing that dream, some fell into despair. Thus, it's not rare to find suicides and murders cases.

The best solution; do practice three time sunnah prayer. That is praying in the last third of the night and do compulsory morning prayers, Duha, Zhuhur, and so on.

Ed: Heri Ruslan

sumber : ROL/Khazanah /Mozaik
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