Sabtu 29 Oct 2016 05:00 WIB

Madura ulamas write to president over Ahok's alleged blasphemy case

Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) has apologized for religious blasphemy citing The Holy Quran Surah Al Maidah verse 51 as a false guidance for Muslim in choosing a leader. Nevertheless, Muslims urged his violation of the law has to be processed.
Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) has apologized for religious blasphemy citing The Holy Quran Surah Al Maidah verse 51 as a false guidance for Muslim in choosing a leader. Nevertheless, Muslims urged his violation of the law has to be processed.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MADURA -- Leaders of Islamic boarding schools have written to President Joko Widodo, urging that the due process of law should follow in the alleged case of blasphemy involving Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok).

The letter was written by leaders of these schools across Madura Island in East Java Province. "We sent a letter to Indonesian President Joko Widodo today," chief of All-Madura Islamic Boarding Schools Association (HP3M) KH Lailurrahman said in a press briefing at Pamekasan Police Precinct here on Friday.

The letter, dated October 26, 2016, was signed by HP3M Chief KH Lailurrahman and his secretary KH Djakfar Shodik. The ulamas said if the legal process in this case was not followed, it will trigger larger rallies against Ahok, the Jakarta governor who is seeking re-election in February 2017.

In the letter, the ulamas also mentioned several articles in the 1945 Constitution that could form the legal basis for their call, including article 1 para 2; article 1 para 3; article 4 para 1; article 24 para 1; article 27 para 1; and article 30 para 4. "Article 4 para 1 of the Constitution stipulates that the President of the Republic of Indonesia holds government power in accordance with the law," he noted.

Article 30 para 4 stipulates that the Indonesian police is a state apparatus assigned to keep security and public order, protect and serve the public and uphold the law, he underlined. He lamented that it seemed the police had not bothered about the case despite widespread protests against the Jakarta governor.

The Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) said Ahok has committed blasphemy citing a Al Maidah verse 51. Ahok told people in the Seribu Islands not to be deceived by people using the verse asking them not to elect a non-Muslim leader in the forthcoming election.

Also read: MUI: Ahok's statement is a blasphemy and has legal consequences

MUI chairman Ma'ruf Amin pointed out in a statement that Ahok has insulted the Quran and the ulamas, and that police should investigate the case.

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