Rabu 30 Nov 2016 01:32 WIB

Ahead of 212 rally, ten thousand people walk from Ciamis to Jakarta

Rep: Rizky Suryarandika/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
The mass of 212 rally started to march from Ciamis, West Java to Jakarta on Monday (11/28) afternoon. They decided to walk despite the bans for bus operators to transport them have been lifted.
Foto: Republika/Rizky Suryarandika
The mass of 212 rally started to march from Ciamis, West Java to Jakarta on Monday (11/28) afternoon. They decided to walk despite the bans for bus operators to transport them have been lifted.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, GARUT - The National Police Chief Gen. Tito Karnavian has lifted bans regarding prohibition on the bus operators to transport participants of 212 rally from other province to Jakarta. The decision was announced on Monday. Despite of that, ten thousand mass decided to have a long march from Ciamis, West Java to the Capital City of Indonesia. 

The rain did not stop pedestrians to continue their journey. After Maghrib prayer at Grand Mosque Malangbong, they tried to reach Nagreg through Limbangan to end the day. Until 21.00 pm, totally they have walked for 12 hours.

One of pedestrian, Firman, said he did not have any problem walking in the rain. For almost 30 minutes, moderate downpour hit their path. "I don't mind with the rain, it's one of Allah SWT blessing and we should be grateful for that," he said.

Number of pedestrian is predicted to multiply when they reach other cities. Firman dedicated the journey as a jihad for Islam. He and other people who support the National Movement to Guard the Indonesian Council of Ulama's Fatwa (GNPF MUI) demand imprisonment on suspect of religious blasphemy allegation case, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok). 


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