Selasa 26 Dec 2017 17:30 WIB
Evaluation and 2018 outlook

SARA related and blasphemy cases are recurring

Rep: Amri Amrullah, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Haedar Nashir, Chairman of Central Board of Muhammadiyah
Foto: Republika/ Yasin Habibi
Haedar Nashir, Chairman of Central Board of Muhammadiyah

by: Haedar Nashir, Chairman of Central Board of Muhammadiyah

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Cases of hate speech related to SARA (ethnicity, religion, and race) and blasphemy were recurring throughout this year. The unsolved case of blasphemous statement of former Jakarta governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) in 2016 has become the biggest case that caught people's attention in 2017.

Ahok was brought to court and sentenced two years of imprisonment on May 9.

Supporters of convicted Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) staged a candlelight of solidarity in Lapangan Banteng, Jakarta, Saturday (May 13). Republika/Rakhmawaty La'lang

Ever since, similar cases reproduced by other parties. Those cases were mainly triggered by harsh and hot political friction, especially in Jakarta. 

Other personal factor played the role. Arbitrary attitude tended to be supported by a part of the public and media. The actor was spoiled and positioned as if he carried the wind of heaven.

From here, the crossing intersected with SARA sentiments, thus expanding and affecting the national sphere.

Unfortunately, the case in Jakarta was reproduced and capitalized by many parties who have their own interests. They made the cases seemed widespread and massive incident in the country. 

The scenario has created misunderstanding, as if the case in Jakarta was a case of intolerance, specifically linked with intolerance and anti-pluralism Muslims. It has became a general opinion that is widely believed. 

Cases of hate speech with SARA and blasphemy contents were allegedly not stand alone. There were actors behind those cases, including intellectual actors.

It was not easy to appoint an mastermind in most cases. Sometimes, they even dare to 'fry' any kind of sensitive issues for the sake of political interests without considering the cost it may bring.

Political actors

Therefore, the society needed to be taught critically and intelligently so they would not be trapped by those 'actors'. 

Government and law enforcement agencies should positioned themselves and played the role as state institution. 

They must also be careful not to be politicized and participated in partisan opinions, attitudes, thoughts, and actions and eventually entered into political games that harm the nation's and country's wider interests. 

They have to be objective by acting on the principles of a just, fair, and righteous state of law in all classes.

Government and law enforcement agencies also should not be partisan and engaged in a political event. The state apparatus should have a broad view and statesman so they would not presented wrong attitude and act.

When issuing a decision or policy, they must revieved it thoroughly and not causing the problem to be more complicated and widespread. Do not carried away with the flow of unilateral thought that tended to bias that the intolerant is Muslim and radicalism is identical to religious believers or has a religious dimension.

Muslims majority

Muslims as majority in Indonesia must show themselves as a smart and noble group of pepole that is able to see thoroughly in facing many kind of circumstances, including sensitive issues such as hate speech, intolerance, and so forth. Muslims should not be too biasedly sensitive and wrong perception.

Put forward mutual and broad interests over narrow interests and groups. Taqdimul aham min al-muhim, first thing first. Sort the principles and branches or twigs that are strategic and tactical. Do not let all things become principles as it lead to extreme or careless acts.

Do not get carried away on issues and cases that trapped us and harmed wider interests. Reduce issues and things that are less productive, such as over-zeal making actions that make Muslims neglect to work on strategic agendas for the advancement of Islam.

Muslims joined Reunion of 212 Rally in Monas area, Central Jakarta, on Saturday (December 2). Republika/Yasin Habibi

Also for the Islamic leaders to be more wise in bringing Muslims face various circumstances. Do not develop opinions and mindsets that people can absorb into nuanced provocations and less positive things.

Islamic leaders are expected to be wise in bringing Muslims in facing various circumstances. Do not develop opinions and mindsets that can be absorbed by the people into a provocation nuanced and less positive things.

Muslims still have a lot of problems and challenges. Do not give them political burden which made them even more marginal, marginalized or entered into political trap that will harm the people and the nation.

Bring and guide these majority of people to be more mature, ntelligent, productive and progressive. Let's bring Muslims to be khaira umah, the superior and advance people. 


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