Selasa 20 Feb 2018 09:47 WIB

Semarang archbishop thanks Muhammadiyah figure

Semarang archbishop says Syafi'i Maarif able to calm down the community.

Semarang Archbishop Mgr Robertus Rubiyatmoko visits the residence of Muhammadiyah figure Buya Syafi'i Maarif in Nogotirto, Sleman, Jogjakarta Special Region on Monday.
Foto: Republika/Wahyu Suryana
Semarang Archbishop Mgr Robertus Rubiyatmoko visits the residence of Muhammadiyah figure Buya Syafi'i Maarif in Nogotirto, Sleman, Jogjakarta Special Region on Monday.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SEMARANG -- Semarang Archbishop Mgr Robertus Rubiyatmoko, along with his entourage, visited the residence of Muhammadiyah figure Buya Syafi'i Maarif in Nogotirto, Sleman, Jogjakarta Special Region on Monday. The visit was related to their intentions to extend their gratitude and appreciation towards Maarif. 

The Archbishop believed that the former Muhammadiyah chairman had presented himself as a central figure that could communicate with common sense in the effort to calm down the community, following the incident in the Saint Lidwina Church a while ago.

"We would like to thank him for being spontaneous, fast and responsive, which turned out to had calmed down all elements of the people and prevented them from becoming emotional," said the Semarang Archbishop.

He further stated that his visit to Maarif's residence is a part of the effort to maintain good relationship, at the same time to also thank him for his roles in calming down the situation after the attack in the Saint Ludwina Church attack on Sunday, February 11.

Meanwhile, Syafii Maarif, who welcomed the the Archbishop himself, stated that he was only trying his best to maintain his common sense and reason. "I was only showing up with my senses and reasons, I am always ready to be challenged by parties who disagree with my steps. Surely, I am grateful that as a small part of this country, I could bring forward senses and reasons," he said.

Meanwhile, the Archbishop also stated that the church and the Bishopric have forgiven the perpetrator.

"We are also praying for him to have his sins forgiven, and we ask for all members of the community to let go of their grudges and not do any retaliatory actions," he stated. 

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