Rabu 09 Jan 2019 14:56 WIB

Jokowi calls on public to pray for ustaz Arifin Ilham

Ustaz Arifin Ilham suffers nasopharyngeal, lymph cancer.

Rep: Umi Nur Fadhilah/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
President Joko Widodo visits KH Arifin Ilham at RSCM, Jakarta, Wednesday (Jan 9) morning.
Foto: Biro Pers Kepresidenan
President Joko Widodo visits KH Arifin Ilham at RSCM, Jakarta, Wednesday (Jan 9) morning.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) visited KH Arifin Ilham who has been receiving medical treatment at Cipto Mangunkusumo Public Hospital (RSCM), Jakarta, on Wednesday morning. He also posted it in his Instagram account.

"Yes, early this morning (I visited him)," Jokowi told the press after installing Doni Monardo as new head of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) at the State Palace.

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Jokowi asked the Indonesian people to pray for the recovery of Ilham, prominent Islamic preacher. Ustaz Arifin was seen sitting in a hospital bed while greeting the President in the photograph shared on Jokowi's Instagram account.

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Mari mendoakan kesembuhan Ustaz Arifin Ilham yang saat ini dirawat di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta. Semoga beliau cepat sembuh, penyakitnya diangkat oleh Allah SWT. Masyarakat menunggu Ustaz Arifin Ilham untuk berdakwah dan berkegiatan seperti sedia kala. Amin.

A post shared by Joko Widodo (@jokowi) on

"All of us, the public, pray for his recovery, for Allah Almighty to remove his illness, so he could carry on with his activities and preach us again," he said.

Ustaz Arifin, founder of Az Zikra Council, is now recovering, according to Ahmad Syuhada, one of his assistants.

Earlier, Indonesian Council of Ulemas (MUI) leader, KH Muhyiddin Junaidi said he has visited ustaz Arifin. He was allowed to meet ustaz Arifin although doctors have asked the famous cleric not to have too many visitors.

The doctors also told ustaz Arifin to have voice rest, he said. "But, he is getting better," Kiai Muhyiddin said.

Kiai Muhyiddin explained that ustaz Arifin suffered from stage 4A nasopharyngeal and lymph cancer. However, he believes that ustaz Arifin can fight the disease and can continue his da'wah activities again.

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