Senin 23 Apr 2012 13:43 WIB

PLN to build solar cell manufacture

Rep: Sefti Oktarianisa/Satya Festiani / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Crystalline silicon solar cell (graphic)
Crystalline silicon solar cell (graphic)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Electricity State Company (PLN) would soon build solar cell manufacture in the first semester of 2012, the Executive Director of PLN, Nur Pamudji, said on Friday. PLN completes the construction with Wijaya Karya and Jasa Marga Company.

“There are two kinds of solar cell industry,” Pamudji said.

The common solar cell materials are crystalline silicon and thin film solar cell. Yet, Pamudji said, PLN had not decided the suitable material developed in Indonesia. According to the data in Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), the energy conversion of crystalline silicon can produce more electricity than thin film.

“Despite it has not further discussed, development of solar cell is a possibility,” he said.