Jumat 18 May 2012 23:51 WIB

PKS: Jurisdiction could hamper the plan of sending policewomen to hajj

Rep: Esthi Maharani/Satya Festiani / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Hajj Pilgrimage in Makkah, Arab Saudi. (photo file)
Foto: Republika/Alwi Shahab
Hajj Pilgrimage in Makkah, Arab Saudi. (photo file)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religious Affairs plans to send Indonesian policewomen to Saudi Arabia to work as part of hajj officers. Yet, the plan is considered immature and the ministry is urged to review the decision.

The Chairman of Central Leadership Board of PKS, Aboebakar Alhabsyi, said he supported the ministry plan to protect the pilgrimage, but he asked the ministry to review the plan on the dispatch of Indonesian female police. The recruitment of policewomen for hajj officers is intended to help female hajj pilgrims, as they would join Hajj Committe in Madina.

Alhabsyi said government should understand the different jurisdiction between both countries. "It is not possible for woman police to conduct their duty in Saudi Arabia. Regardless to their position as the police woman, all pilgrimage are equal before the law, they all should obey the local law," Alhabsyi added. He suggested that it would be better to strengthen the relationship with Saudi Arabia as it would be more effective and efficient. 

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